活動與演講 - 【學生】轉知亞太大學交流會(UMAP)舉辦「UMAP Discovery Camp Winter 2024: The Globe (Global Bound & Exchange): Discover Indonesia」活動,請惠予公告周知。
公告日期:2023-11-04 / 公告人:teacher




(一)      活動名稱:印尼探索營,如附件1-1

Program: UMAP Discovery Camp Winter 2024: The Globe (Global Bound & Exchange): Discover Indonesia

(二)      活動地點:印尼泗水及三寶瓏等地區

Location: Surabaya & Semarang, Indonesia

(三)      活動時間:2024217日至229

Date: From February 17, 2024, to February 29, 2024

(四)      活動名額:2

Number of Participants: 2

(五)      活動費用:主辦方負擔課程、住宿、部分膳食等費用,詳情依活動官網公告為主:https://www.its.ac.id/international/experiencing-its/prospective-student/short-program/customized/umapdc-2024-indonesia/

Costs: The organizers will cover course fees, accommodation, and some meals. For more details, please refer to the official event website.


(一)      報名資格:本校在學學生,且不具備印尼國籍者。

Eligibility: Non-Indonisian students at Tamkang University

(二)      校內甄選:參加者須通過校內甄選方可填寫校內報名系統,如報名人數超過名額上限,本處將擇優錄取。校內甄選所需文件如附件2,請於118日前繳至T1006

On-campus Selection: Participants must successfully pass the on-campus selection process before they can access the on-campus and off-campus application systems. In case the number of applicants exceeds the maximum limit, we will prioritize selection based on merit. The required documents are outlined in the attachment. Please submit the required document before 8, November to T1006.

(三)      校內活動報名:https://forms.gle/SR2n2ju5SbkUXjrk6

On-campus application system.

(四)      校外活動報名(請自行註冊帳號)https://usco2.umap.org/ProgramDetails/Details/995

Off-campus application system, please create yourself account.

(五)      完成上述步驟後,由本處進行推薦

Upon completing the above steps, recommendations will be made by our office.

(六)      校內校外報名截止時間:即日起至20231110(星期五)下午五時

Deadline for on-campus and Off-campus registration: From now until 5:00 PM on November 10, 2023 (Friday).

(七)      活動期間為學期間,無法使用請公假方式前往,請自行斟酌。

Programs are held during the academic term, official leave requests can not be allowed, please take this into account.


Coordinator: Jacob Chan; Extension number: 3759



國際長 葉劍木