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學年度 發表會時間 著作 作者
113 20240826~20240827 Do We Truly Benefit from the Policy of Private Transports Electrification? Evidence from the Change of GHG Emissions and Air Pollutions in Taiwan Liou, Je-liang; Chen, H.-H.; HUANG, T.-K.; WU, P.-I.
113 20241022~20241022 解析氣候變遷下河蟹復育策略:以日本絨螯蟹為例 陳敬閎; 蔡維倫; 林進軒; 巫冠威; 郭泓毅; 蔡宗諺; 陳睿傑; 陸哲昕; 陳孝華; 黃浚瑋; 黃大肯
113 20241129~20241130 通路對綠色產品選擇因素分析-以生物多樣性友善農產品為例 何業崨; 劉哲良; 林大利; 黃大肯
113 20241209~20241213 Evaluation of LNAPL Transmissivity in Aquifer for Improving Groundwater Remediation. Wang, S.-W.; C.-Y. Lin; Y.-Y. Chen; Y.-S., Yang; C.-C. Chang
113 20241023~20241025 Establishment of An Optimal Model for Calculating the Reference Crop Evapotranspiration in Taiwan and prediction of the Change Trends Under the Impact of Climate Change in the Future in Taiwan. Guan-Jia Chen; Sheng-Wei Wang; Feng-Wen Chen
113 20240901~20240907 Impacts of climate change on groundwater recharge and agricultural water resources: A case study in Taiwan. Chen, W.-C.; F.-W. Chen; L.-C. Chiang; S.-W. Wang
113 20240902~20240906 Study on the Seismic-induced Lateral Spreading along the Waterfront for Taipei Basin Huang, F. K.; Shao, C. Y.; Wang, G. S.
113 20241108~20241109 Remediation of Chromium-Containing Groundwater with Flow-Electrode Capacitive Deionization (FCDI) System Chang-Hung Kao;Wei-Han Chen; Ching-Yu Peng
113 20241115~20241117 沸石咪唑酯骨架材料(ZIF-8)衍生碳材料應用於電容去離子(CDI)技術 杜瑛涵;彭晴玉
113 20241115~20241116 流動電極電容去離子(FCDI)系統整治含鉻地下水 高長鴻;彭晴玉
113 20241115~20241116 虱目魚鱗製備生物質衍生活性碳應用於電容去離子(CDI)技術 張捷宇;彭晴玉
112 20230829~20230830 Willingness to Pay for Eco-friendly Products: A Case Study of the Participatory Guarantee System in Taiwan Ta-Ken Huang; Je-Liang Liou; Pei-Ing Wu
112 20230903~20230904 Telecoupled payments for eco-friendly products: how information affect consumers’ willingness to pay Huang, Ta-ken; Kao, Wei-hsiang; Liou, Je-liang; Lin, Da-li
112 20230822~20230824 Subseasonal Tropical Cyclone Forecasts in the Western North Pacific Using the NCEP and ECMWF Ensemble Models Tsai, Hsiao-chung; Lo, Tzu-ting; Chen, Meng-shih
112 20231211~20231215 Investigating the Impacts of the Large-Scale Environments on the Subseasonal Tropical Cyclone Forecast Skills Using the 46-Day ECMWF Ensemble Tsai, Hsiao-chung; Hsu, Han-yu; Lo, Tzu-ting; Chen, Meng-shih; Hsueh, Hung-yu; Lo, Shih-hsuan
112 20231022~20231026 Impact of climate-induced recharge variation on groundwater resource distribution and utilization Chen, W.-C.; S.-W. Wang
112 20231023~20231025 Enhancing Groundwater Resource Circulation through Terrace Restoration Chen, W.-C.; T.-Y. Lin; S.-Y. Hsu; S.-W. Wang
112 20230913~20230913 環境變遷對於地下水污染潛勢之衝擊評估 王聖瑋
112 20231028~20231029 氣候變遷與人為開發對宜蘭溫泉資源之影響 王聖瑋
112 20231110~20231110 不同降雨情境對於屏東平原地下水資源之影響 楊喻喨; 陳玟綺; 王聖瑋; 王士榮
112 20240526~20240531 Role of the hydrogeochemical transport model on bioremediation of groundwater chlorinated contamination. Wang, S.-W.; C.Y. Lin; Y.-Y. Chen
112 20240623~20240628 Advancing groundwater level prediction for Irrigation by using the XGBoost-based approach. Wang, S.-W.; Y.-Y. Chen; L.C. Chang
112 20231022~20231026 Evaluating the Performance of Nitritation using sludge size control combined with FA/FNA treatment I.-C. Chien;H.-W. Ni
111 20220808~20220809 Benefits and Health Co-benefits Evaluation of GHGs Reduction from Industrial Sector of Taiwan under Carbon Charge in 2023-2030 Pei-Ing Wu; Je-Liang Liou; Ta-Ken Huang
111 20221109~20221109 應用LSTM方法建立農業地區地下水位預測模型 王聖瑋; 陳嬿伃; 吳立青; 陳瑞昇; 洪炯宗
111 20220911~20220915 Evaluation of contaminated groundwater bioremediation by newly numerical transport model Yun Jie Lin; Sheng Wei Wang; Jui-Sheng Chen
111 20221205~20221205 建構富砷地下水濃度變化預測模型與用水安全調適方案 王聖瑋; 陳嬿伃; 洪炯宗; 鍾佳儒
111 20221202~20221203 Permeate enhancement by filling materials in water gap for WGMD system 魯品岑; 陳俊成; 何啟東
111 20230703~20230707 Monitoring Global Tropical Cyclone Activities on Subseasonal Timescale using the CWB TC Tracking System Tsai, Hsiao-chung; Lo, Tzu-ting; Chen, Meng-shih; Chen, Yun-jing; Kuo, Jui-ling; Hsu, Han-yu
111 20230423~20230428 Relationship between the Tropical Cyclone Forecast Skill and the Western North Pacific Summer Monsoon in the ECMWF Monthly Ensemble Tsai, Hsiao-chung; Lo, Tzu-ting; Chen, Meng-shih; Chen, Yun-jing; Kuo, Jui-ling; Hsu, Han-yu
111 20230730~20230804 Impacts of the Environmental Changes on the Groundwater Contamination Potential Wang, S.-W.; Y.-Y. Chen; C.Y. Lin
111 20230730~20230804 Evaluation of Hydraulic Control on the Remediation of Groundwater Chlorinated Contamination Lin, C.-Y. ; S.-W. Wang
111 20230702~20230706 System Identification and Damage Assessment of Benchmark Model H Wang, G. S.; Lo, C. W.; Huang, F. K.
110 20210801~20210806 Advanced Global Model Ensemble Forecasts of Tropical Cyclone Formation, and Intensity Predictions along Medium-Range Tracks Russell L. Elsberry, Hsiao-Chung Tsai, Wei-Chia Chin, and Timothy P. Marchok
110 20211010~20211013 Centennial-Scale Storage and Reworking of a Discrete Slug of Clastic Mining Sediment L. Allan James; Allison M. Pfeiffer; Chen-Ling J. Hung
110 20211025~20211027 Monitoring Global Tropical Cyclone Activities in Weeks 1-4 Tzu-Ting Lo; Hsiao-Chung Tsai; Meng-Shi Chen; Marcelino Q. Villafuerte II
110 20211123~20211124 The effect of metal electrodes on controlling biofouling using electrochemical quorum quenching method Xiu-Ping Zhong; Yi-Chen Ma; I-Chieh Chien
110 20211020~20211021 2021年0418壽豐地震土壤液化噴砂初探 黃富國; 王淑娟; 紀宗吉; 邱禎龍; 蘇泰維; 王聖宗; 董英宏
110 20211008~20211008 應用隨機森林法評估抽取地下水行為對地下水位變化之影響 王聖瑋; 鍾佳儒; 陳嬿伃; 吳立青; 陳瑞昇; 洪炯宗
110 20211022~20211022 應用動態因子分析評估人為抽水對於地下水砷濃度變化之影響 王聖瑋; 陳嬿伃
110 20211126~20211127 應用污染傳輸數值模式評估地下水含氯污染之生物整治效益 林芷妤; 楊喻喨; 王聖瑋
110 20211029~20211029 Evaluation of interaction between irrigational pumping and groundwater As variation by non-conventional approaches. Wang, S.-W.; C.-R. Chung; Y.-Y. Chen; L.-C. Wu; J.-S. Chen; J.-T. Horng
110 20210909~20210910 我國民生水庫水質營養狀態指標研析 林志麟; 黃英閔; 康世芳; 許韻儒
110 20211111~20211111 民生水庫藻類監測技術及生長影響因子研究 林志麟; 黃英閔; 張雅淳; 許韻儒; 康世芳
110 20220106~20220107 The Optimal Design of the 3D Printed Turbulence Promoter in the Direct Contact Membrane Distillation Modules Chii-Dong Ho(何啟東); Luke Chen(陳俊成); Pin-Tsen Lu(魯品岑); Chia-Yin Ko(柯佳吟)
110 20220106~20220107 The Absorption Flux Enhancement of CO2 in Flat-Plate Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactors with Inserting 3D Printed Turbulence Promoters Chii-Dong Ho(何啟東); Luke Chen(陳俊成); Chung-Pao Chiou(邱崇寶); Yu-Jie Chen(陳育潔); Tzu-Hsuan Yang(楊子萱)
109 20201127~20201128 利用自動無人水下載具監測水庫水質可行性評估 張勢鑫; 陳俊成; 何志軒
109 20201127~20201128 UV/H2O2及UV/SPS分解含四環素水溶液之反應行為研究 黃上權; 陳俊成; 申永順
109 20201127~20201128 Fenton及Photo-Fenton分解含四環素水溶液之反應行為研究 黃上權; 陳俊成; 申永順
109 20210306~20210310 Investigation on the Performance of Laminar Flow Carbon Dioxide Absorption through a Hollow-Fiber Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactor C. D. Ho, L. Chen; C. C. Huang; J.E. Chen
109 20201013~20201015 1-4 週颱風系集預報評估與比較 蔡孝忠; 羅資婷; 陳孟詩; 陳昀靖
109 20201119~20201120 蘇澳港長週期波動之數值模擬 夏武成; 謝杰恩; 周立翔; 蘇仕峯
109 20210127~20210128 An Environmentally Friendly and Economically Viable Solution to Recover and Reuse the Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Fly Ash SueHuai Gau
109 20200901~20200903 臺北盆地土壤液化潛能分析-考慮近地表非液化土層厚度 黃富國; 高哲豪; 王淑娟; 紀宗吉; 邱禎龍; 蘇泰維; 王聖宗
109 20200902~20200904 台南新化再液化場址SCPTu土壤液化危害度分析 黃富國; 周秉宏; 王淑娟; 紀宗吉; 邱禎龍; 蘇泰維; 王聖宗
109 20201113~20201113 土壤液化防災之可抽水深度分析-以台北盆地為例 黃富國; 高哲豪; 王淑娟; 紀宗吉; 邱禎龍; 蘇泰維; 王聖宗
109 20201113~20201113 水層內斷層線位置與走向之推求 黃富國; 葉弘德; 王淑娟; 莊睦雄
109 20201126~20201127 土壤液化損害指標LDI之定義與應用-以臺北盆地為例 黃富國; 高哲豪; 王淑娟; 紀宗吉; 邱禎龍; 蘇泰維; 王聖宗
109 20201127~20201128 電容去離子對陰離子之選擇性研究 郝康旭; 彭晴玉
109 20201102~20201103 咖啡渣活性碳電極應用於電容去離子(CDI) 系統 王奕鈞, 彭晴玉
109 20201127~20201128 咖啡渣活性碳電極應用於電容去離子(CDI) 系統 王奕鈞; 彭晴玉
109 20201127~20201128 天然有機物對電容去離子系統之影響 王映叡; 彭晴玉
109 20201102~20201103 聚苯胺/粒狀活性碳(PANI/GAC)複合材料應用於電容去離子(CDI)系統對陰離子之選擇性研究 郝康旭; 凃仲緯; 彭晴玉
109 20201102~20201103 硫酸改質活性碳應用於電容去離子系統減緩腐植酸阻塞之研究 王映叡; 彭晴玉
109 20210407~20210411 Centennial-Scale Anthropogeomorphic Change: Legacies of Hydraulic Mining in Greenhorn Creek, California L. Allan James; Allison M. Pfeiffer; Chen-Ling J. Hung
109 20201026~20201030 Extreme Anthropogenic Flux Rates from Hydraulic Mining in Northern California, 1853-1884 L. Allan James; Allison M. Pfeiffer; Chen-Ling J. Hung
109 20201201~20201217 A 161-Year Experiment in Sediment Production, Storage, and Flux in a Small, Episodically Aggraded Mountain Catchment L. Allan James; Allison M. Pfeiffer; Chen-Ling J. Hung
109 20210412~20210415 Predicting Rapid Intensification Events Following Tropical Cyclone Formation in the Western North Pacific Based on ECMWF Ensemble Warm Core Evolutions Hsiao-Chung Tsai, Russell L. Elsberry, Wei-Chia Chin, and Timothy P. Marchok
109 20210511~20210514 Hybrid Copper Hexacyanoferrate (CuHCF)/Activated Carbon (AC) Intercalation/Capacitive Deionization System for Monovalent Cations Removal Ching-Yu Peng*; Hsia-Wen Tung; Cheng-Lan Lin
108 20191108~20191109 Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Direct Contact Membrane Distillation Modules with Inserting 3D Printed Turbulent Promoters Chii-Dong Ho; Luke Chen; Tze-Hao Hsu; Jia-Yu,Jiang
108 20191108~20191109 Investigation on the Performance of Carbon Dioxide Absorption in Hollow-Fiber Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactors Chii-Dong Ho; Luke Chen; Yu-Han Chen; Chi-Hsiang Ni
108 20190905~20190906 Climate Monitoring and Forecast in CWB 陳孟詩; 李明營; 羅資婷; 劉人鳳; 張惠玲; 郭芮伶; 陳昀靖; 陳韋廷; 蔡孝忠
108 20191209~20191213 Evaluations of Tropical Cyclone Forecasts by Using the Hindcasts and Real-time Forecasts from the NCEP 35-Day Global Ensemble Hsiao-Chung Tsai; Tzu-Ting Lo; Meng-Shih Chen; Chia-I She; Wen-Hsin Huang
108 20190825~20190829 Nickel Hexacyanoferrate Electrodes for Sodium Intercalation Ching-Yu Peng; Hsiao-Wen Tung; Cheng-Lan Lin
108 20191211~20191213 Selectivity of Anions in Capacitive Deionization Kang-Syu Hao; Ching-Yu Peng
108 20191211~20191213 Nano Iron/Holey Graphene (Fe/HrGO) composite electrodes for heavy metals removal in capacitive deionization Yi-Fang Chen; Ching-Yu Peng
108 20191211~20191213 Impact of humic acid on capacitive deionization Ying-Jui Wang; Ching-Yu Peng
108 20191122~20191123 鐵氰化銅(CuHCF)嵌入式材料應用於去除鈉/鉀離子 童筱雯; 彭晴玉
108 20191103~20191107 Iron nanoparticles incorporated with holey graphene (Fe/HrGO) as electrodes for capacitive deionization (CDI) to treat lead (Pb) Yi-Fang Chen; Ching-Yu Peng
108 20190903~20190906 Electrochemical processes for heavy metals and organics removal Ya, Vinh; Choo, Kwang-Ho; Li, Chi-Wang
108 20191211~20191213 Enhancing copper recovery from CuEDTA wastewater by electrodeposition with addition of ferrous ions Sabine Ouedraogo; Li, Chi-Wang
108 20191211~20191213 Electrochemical crystallization to form iron phosphate (FeP) for phosphorous removal on industrial P-rich wastewater Natacha Martin; Li, Chi-Wang
108 20191211~20191213 Integrated pre--treatment of EDTA and metal-EDTA: Effect of chemical and physical pre--treatment on aerobic treatability Kuang-hsun Tan; Li, Chi-Wang
108 20191211~20191213 Cryolite (Na3AlF6) crystallization for fluoride recovery using an electrolytic process equipped with a sacrificail aluminum anode Vinh Ya; Chi-Wang Li
108 20200717~20200717 Capacitive deionization (CDI) for cations removal: comparison of AC and rGO/AC systems 黃仰駿; 蕭博謙; 陳姿羽; 彭晴玉
108 20200628~20200630 The Ceramic Membrane Bio-reactor Manufacturing by Recovery of Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator fly ash Gau, Sue-Huai, Chen, Cheng-Gang, Yi, Ching-Yun, Chen, Kuan-Ling
108 20190929~20191004 Using the Spatial Subsidies Framework for Conservation of Transboundary Ecosystem Services from Migratory Species Huang, TK; L López-Hoffman; A Lien; W Thogmartin; J Diffendorfer; D Semmens; B Mattsson; M Haefele; J Loomis; K Bagstad; J Derbridge
108 20191209~20191213 Can land management alter ecoclimate teleconnections across North America in the face of forest die-off? Feng, X; A Swann; D Breshears; M Lague; J Field; D Law; A Lien; TK Huang; J Derbridge; E Baldwin; J Soto
107 20180929~20181003 Scrap iron anode packed in a Ti mesh cage for electrochemical reduction of Cr(VI) in electroplating wastewater Vinh Ya; Chi-Wang Li
107 20180929~20181003 Replacement/Reduction reactions for copper removal using scrap iron packed electrode Natacha Martin, Vinh Ya, and Chi-Wang Li
107 20181117~20181118 Carbon Dioxide Absorption in a Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactor with Spiral Wire Channel under Countercurrent-Flow Operations Chii-Dong Ho, Luke Chen, Guan-Hong Lin, Chien-Chang Huang1 and Yu-Han Chen
107 20181117~20181118 The Studies of Air Gap Membrane Distillation Module with Various Carbon-Fiber Open-Slot Width Chii-Dong Ho, Luke Chen, Yu-An Chen, Tze-Hao Hsu and Chi-Hsiang Ni
107 20180816~20180818 Removal of arsenic from contaminated underground waters by capacitive deionization P. A. Chen; C. Y. Peng, H; Paul Wang
107 20180816~20180818 Electrokinetic treatment of a Cu- and Pb-contaminted Soil with H3PO4 and H2O2 M. Y. Yu; A. C. Hsiao; C. Y. Peng; H. Paul Wang
107 20180816~20180818 Acid Modified nano Graphene (rGO) for Removing Salt from Water with Capacitive Deionization (CDI) C.Y. Peng; Y.F. Chen
107 20180816~20180818 Fate of arsenic during electrokinetic remediation studied by in situ EXAFS C.Y. Peng; P.A. Chen; H. Paul Wang
107 20181030~20181102 Replacement/precipitation reaction for zinc removal using electrogenerated iron Natacha Martin, Vinh Ya, and Chi-Wang Li
107 20181030~20181102 A novel high-pressure electrocoagulation system for dyeing wastewater treatment Vinh Ya, K.H; Choo, N.C; Le, Chi-Wang Li
107 20181010~20181011 Physical modelling of tsunami propagation and flooding hydrodynamics Ignacio Barranco, Yun-Ta Wu, Philip Li-Fan Liu
107 20181010~20181011 Laboratory observation of successive solitary waves on a plane beach Yun-Ta Wu, Philip Li-Fan Liu
107 20181120~20181122 Modeling of a solitary wave interacting with a submerged breakwater and breaking on a uniform beach Yun-Ta Wu; Chang Lin; Hwung-Hweng Hwung
107 20181120~20181122 東沙島波浪水動力之數值模擬 蔣得勻; 林義豪; 蘇仕峰
107 20181028~20181031 Parametric Identification and Damage Assessment of Real Buildings G.S.Wang; Y.R. Li; F.K. Huang
107 20181116~20181117 奈米鐵/多孔石墨烯(Fe/HrGO)複合電極 應用於電容去離子技術 陳怡鈁; 彭晴玉
107 20190306~20190308 Bias Correction of the Extended-Range Tropical Cyclone Formation and Activity Forecasts by Using the 20-Year Reforecasts Tsai, H.-C.; T.-T. Lo; M.-S. Chen; C.-I. She
107 20190407~20190412 Exploring the Effective Evaluation Indices of Self-Organizing Map for Clustering Regional Flood Inundation Map Li-Chiu Chang; Wu-Han Wang; Fi-John Chang
107 20181210~20181214 Prediction of Groundwater Levels for the Extreme Events Using Artificial Neural Networks LC Chang; SN Yang; YY Ku
107 20181210~20181214 Is small-hydropower implementation a good solution to boosting synergistic benefits of Water-Food-Energy Nexus? FJ Chang; Y Zhou; LC Chang; MC Hu, C Fan
107 20190402~20190405 Preliminary Evaluations of the Extended-Range Tropical Cyclone Forecasts in the Western North Pacific and Taiwan Area by using the ECMWF S2S Forecasts Lo, T.-T.; Y.-J. Chen; H.-C. Tsai; M.-S. Chen
107 20190520~20190523 Nickel Hexacyanoferrate Intercalation Electrode for Sodium and Potassium Deionization Ching-Yu Peng; Hsia-Wen Tung; Cheng-Lan Lin
107 20190503~20190504 非對稱奈米錳/石墨烯(Mn/rGO)電容去離子系統應用於硬水軟化 彭晴玉; 王靖逸
107 20181205~20181207 Nickel Hexacyanoferrate Electrodes for Sodium Intercalation Ching-Yu Peng; Hsiao-Wen Tung; Cheng-Lan Linb
107 20181206~20181207 Nano Iron/Graphene Composite Electrodes for Capacitive Deionization Yi-Fang Chen; Ching-Yu Peng
107 20190407~20190412 Modeling of low-frequency wave motions on an atoll island during typhoon events Shih-Feng Su
107 20180903~20180905 Migratory wildlife link people and ecosystems over distances: A case study of black-faced Spoonbill in East Asia Huang, TK; X Feng; L López-Hoffman
106 20170821~20170825 Microbial pollution of the Mongolian aquatic ecosystem D. Tumenjargal; D.Narantuya; Hsin-Hsin Tung; I-Chieh Chieh; Hao-Yu Lo; N.Altanchimeg; G.Khishigsuren
106 20171115~20171117 Numerical modeling of collapse of submerged granular columns using a two-phase flow approach Yu, M.L.; Lee, C.H.
106 20171115~20171117 Effect of Suspended Particles on Velocity Distribution in Turbulent Flows Li, S.Y.; Lee, C.H.; Yeh, P.H.
106 20180603~20180608 Objective Detections and Evaluations of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones in the Reanalysis Datasets Han-Fang LIN; Hsiao-Chung TSAI; Wei-Chia CHIN; Russell ELSBERRY
106 20170904~20170905 Experimental Study on Collapse of Submerged Granular Column Yu, M.L.; Lee, C.H.
106 20180603~20180608 Probabilistic Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification by Using the Characteristics of the Large-scale Environment and Satellite Images Yu-Yuan CHANG; Hsiao-Chung TSAI; Chia-I SHE; Russell ELSBERRY
106 20171116~20171117 數值模擬颱風波浪於東沙島之亞重力波 蔣得勻; 蘇仕峯
106 20180603~20180608 Improvement of Weighted Analog Intensity Prediction for Different Stages of the Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones Hsiao-Chung Tsai; Russell Elsberry
106 20170911~20170914 Removal of Escherichia coli using capacitive deionization (CDI) I-Chieh Chien; Wen-Zeng Wang
106 20170911~20170913 Capacitive deionization (CDI) of saline water with acid modified graphene electrode Ching-Yu Peng; Chia-Li Lin
106 20171108~20171110 以生物法偵測群體感應(quorum sensing)訊息分子 acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs)之研究 朱巧芸; 蕭克威; 簡義杰
106 20171116~20171117 東沙環礁波浪與水流之數值模擬 林義豪; 蘇仕峯; 陳佳琳
106 20171115~20171117 管線振動對海床的影響 陳毓軒; 俞鳴瀾; 陳若婕; 李政賢
106 20171116~20171116 清洗水塔對於室內配管水質之影響 余一心; 簡義杰; 吳瑞梹; 童心欣
106 20171112~20171112 脫硫渣與電弧爐氧化渣去除磷之比較 李柏青; 柯明賢; 楊佳穎; 康世芳
106 20171118~20171119 Education for Sustainable Development: Reducing the Impacts of Livestock through Promoting the Flexitarianism Culture Chang, Pao-hsing; Lin, Shu-hui
106 20171117~20171118 Modeling of Carbon Dioxide Absorption through a Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactor under Countercurrent-Flow Operations 何啟東; 陳俊成; 任立揚; 林冠宏; 陳昱翰
106 20171112~20171112 紫外線結合不同氧化劑處理含雙酚A水溶液程序與生物反應研究 陳俊成; 黃煜閔; 申永順
106 20171108~20171110 Integration of membrane and chemical reduction processes for the removal and recovery of metals from industrial wastewater Chi-Wang Li; Chien-Tsun Chen
106 20171023~20171026 Evaluations of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Forecasts from the NCEP GEFSv11 Reforecasts Hsiao-Chung Tsai; Pang-Cheng Chen; Tzu-Ting Lo; Meng-Shih Chen; Ren-Feng Liu
106 20170919~20170922 A novel electro-crystallization process for fluoride removal and recovery Vinh Ya; Yi-Chieh Chen; Kuang-Hsun Tan; Kwang-Ho Choo; Chi-Wang Li
106 20180212~20180212 環境污染問題與對策 陳俊成
106 20180316~20180316 主持人及總結 陳俊成
106 20171204~20171205 引言人及總結 陳俊成
106 20180703~20180706 Nickel Hexacyanoferrate Electrodes for Asymmetric Membrane Capacitive Deionization C.Y. Peng; H.W. Tung; C.L. Lin
106 20180415~20180420 Bias-Correction of‭ ‬the 14-Day NCEP GEFS Tropical Cyclone Forecasts in the Western North Pacific by Using the Reforecast Dataset Hsiao-Chung Tsai; Tzu-Ting Lo; Meng-Shih Chen; Russell L. Elsberry
106 20180415~20180420 Improved Weighted-Analog Intensity and Intensity Spread Predictions for Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones in Pre-Formation and Ending Stages Hsiao-Chung Tsai; Russell Elsberry
106 20171201~20171202 高比表面積氯化銀的製造暨染料降解與殺菌 翁建華; 李柏青; 黃子桓; 林清彬
106 20180703~20180706 Isolation of quorum quenching bacteria for biofouling control Chiao-Yun Chu; I-Chieh Chien
106 20180408~20180413 A hybrid clustering and ANNs for investigating the impacts and mechanisms of various temporal and spatial scales of surface water to groundwater variation Shun-Nien Yang; Ying-Yu Ku; Li-Chiu Chang
106 20180408~20180413 Exploring the Spatial Relationship between Typhoon Track and Rainfall by Using the Self-Organizing Map G Wee, SN Yang, FJ Chang, LC Chang
106 20171211~20171215 Building regional early flood warning systems by AI techniques Fi-John Chang; LC Chang; MZBM Amin
106 20171211~20171215 Regional early flood warning system: design and implementation Li-Chiu Chang, Shun-Nien Yang, Chun-Ling Kuo and Yi-Fung Wang
106 20171211~20171215 Regional early flood warning system: @design and implementation Li-Chiu Chang; Shun-Nien Yang; Chun-Ling Kuo; Yi-Fung Wang
106 20180603~20180608 Numerical Simulations of Nearshore Waves and Circulations on the Dongsha Island Te-Yun CHIANG; Yi-Hao LIN; Shih-Feng SU
106 20180603~20180608 Wave characteristics around a reef island in the South China Sea under a strong typhoon event Shih-Feng SU; Te-Yun CHIANG
106 20170806~20170811 An approach to understand how ecoclimate teleconnections create telecoupling in ecosystem services across space López-Hoffman, L; A Swann; E Garcia; D Breshears; TK Huang; K Libby; R Merideth; D Semmens; J Diffendorer.
106 20180408~20180412 Migratory wildlife link people and ecosystems over distances Huang, TK; D Semmens; L López-Hoffman; J Diffendorfer; W Thogmartin
106 20180612~20180615 Crops in a changing world: Hidden forest-agriculture teleconnections López-Hoffman, L.; X Feng; TK Huang; A Lien; A Swann; D Breshears; J Soto; E Baldwin; M Nunez-Regueiro; T Dang; D Park; R Merideth; D Ferguson; B Enquist; K Ernst
105 20170522~20170526 Water Quality and Ecological Characteristics in Ugii Nuur Lake, Mongolia, under the Change of Climate and Development in the Lake Basin Shian-chee Wu; Tarzadin Ulaanbaatar; D. Tumenjargal; P. Munkhbaatar; Hsin-Hsin Tung; Chuan-Ling Chou; Meng-Cheih Han; Hao-Yu Lo; I-Chieh Chien; Hao-Yang Lu
105 20170703~20170706 Capacitive Deionization (CDI) with Acid Modified Graphene Electrode Chia-Li Lin; Ching-Yu Peng
105 20160822~20160824 Comparison of PEUF process and the process combining PEUF and chemical reduction for copper removal: Critical flux and metal removal efficiency Chang, Hao-Chen; Li, Chi-Wang
105 20160910~20160910 Theoretical and experimental studies of CO2 absorption by the amine solvent system in countercurrent-flow membrane contactors Chii-Dong Ho; Luke Chen; Li Chen; Jing-Wei Liou
105 20161018~20161021 Chemical reduction and membrane filtration for removal and recovery of metals from PCB wastewater Yi-Hsuan Chou; Chien-Chun Chen; Chi-Wang Li; Kwang-Ho Choo
105 20161125~20161126 The theoretical and experimental studies of carbon dioxide absorption through a gas-liquid membrane contactor Chii-Dong Ho; Luke Chen; Li-Yang Jen; Guan-Hong Lin; Yu-Hung Chuang
105 20161004~20161006 西北太平洋颱風快速增強之機率預報模式開發 佘佳宜; 蔡孝忠; 張麗秋
105 20170424~20170428 Evaluations of Extended-Range tropical Cyclone Forecasts in the Western North Pacific by using the Ensemble Reforecasts: Preliminary Results Hsiao-Chung Tsai; Pang-Cheng Chen; Russell L. Elsberry
105 20161118~20161119 以紫外線結合過硫酸鈉程序處理含雙酚A水溶液之分解行為反應研究 黃煜閔; 陳俊成; 申永順; 王士維
105 20161118~20161119 以UV/H2O2光氧化程序處理含雙酚A水溶液之分解行為與生物反應研究 黃煜閔; 陳俊成; 申永順; 王士維
105 20161004~20161006 利用SHIPS 開發資料改進颱風強度類比預報模式之研究 林碩彥; 蔡孝忠
105 20161004~20161006 ECMWF 系集模式之10 天颱風路徑預報評估 林吉堃; 陳怡伶; 蔡孝忠
105 20161212~20161216 Explore the Spatial-Temporal Interrelation between Groundwater and Surface Water by Self-Organizing Map IT Chen, LC Chang, FJ Chang
105 20161212~20161216 Coupling Precipitation with Groundwater Level Using Two Self-Organizing Maps JW Lai, CW Huang, ST Cheng, LC Chang, FJ Chang
105 20170423~20170428 Building Adjustable Pre-storm Reservoir Flood-control Release Rules SN Yang, LC Chang, FJ Chang, CD Hsieh
105 20170423~20170428 Integrating a Storage Factor into R-NARX Neural Networks for Flood Forecasts PK Chou; LC Chang; FJ Chang; BJ Shih
105 20170423~20170428 Wave characteristics and hydrodynamics at a reef island on Dongsha Atoll in the South China Sea Su, Shih-Feng; Chiang, Te-Yun; Lin, Yi-Hao; Chen, Jia-Lin
105 20161206~20161209 Full-depth flexible pavement performance impacted by rainfall: Finite element analysis Rudi van Staden; Sam Fragomeni; Yi-Ru Chen
104 20151113~20151114 未熟成含油鹽廚餘堆肥對小白菜作物生長之影響 陳詠裕; 吳欣慧; 李柏青
104 20160411~20160415 Theoretical and Experimental Studies of CO2 Absorption by the Amine Solvent System in Countercurrent-Flow Membrane Contactors Chii-Dong Ho; Luke Chen; Li Chen; Jing-Wei Liou
104 20160620~20160624 Capacitive Deionization of Seawater with Disinfection Ability by Ag@C/rGO Electrodes W.-T. Chang, W.-A. Chou, C.-Y. Peng, Y.-L. Wei, C.-J. Jou, and H. Paul Wang
104 20160527~20160527 Capacitive Deionization and Disinfection of Seawater with Ag@C/graphene and Cu@C/graphene Electrode W.-T. Chang; P.-F. Cai; C.-Y. Peng; H. Paul Wang
104 20150915~20150917 颱風強度統計預報基準模式開發及不確定性估計 TSAI, HSIAO-CHUNG; Elsberry, L. Russell; Lin, Shuo-Yen
104 20160417~20160422 Guidance-on-Guidance for Bifurcations in Seven-day Intensity and Intensity Spread Predictions of Western Pacific Tropical Cyclones Elsberry, Russell L.; Tsai, Hsiao-Chung
104 20160417~20160422 Extended-Range Tropical Cyclone Forecasts by the ECMWF 32-Day Ensemble and its Reforecast Data for Water Resources Management Hsiao-Chung Tsai; R. L. Elsberry
104 20160417~20160422 Seven-day Intensity and Intensity Spread Predictions for Atlantic Tropical Cyclones Hsiao-Chung Tsai; R. L. Elsberry
104 20160417~20160422 Seven-day Intensity and Intensity Spread Predictions for Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones Hsiao-Chung Tsai; R. L. Elsberry
104 20160411~20160415 Combining chemical reduction and membrane filtration for copper-containing wastewater treatment Chi-Wang Li; Yi-Hsuan Chou; Chien-Chun Chen; Kwang-Ho Choo
104 20151214~20151218 Developing an Intelligent Reservoir Flood Control Decision Support System through Integrating Artificial Neural Networks Li-Chiu Chang; I-Feng Kao; Fong-He Tsai; Hung-Cheng Hsu; Shun-Nien Yang; Hung-Yu Shen; Fi-John Chang
104 20151019~20151022 Frequency-Domain Recursive Hybrid GA to the Identification of a Real Building Wang, G. S.; Huang, Fu-Kuo
104 20160315~20160315 以靜電紡絲技術探討保麗龍再利用之可行性研究 陳浩東; 陳俊成; 何志軒; 楊禎祿
104 20151206~20151211 大台北地區捷運系統啟用對都會空氣品質的影響 陳俊成; 蘇子源
104 20151028~20151030 Chemical reduction to recovery nickel in its more valuable form 李奇旺
104 20151117~20151117 南化水庫水質優養化判定指標之研究 康世芳; 徐錠基; 何嘉浚; 林學文; 林鎮洋
104 20151120~20151121 利用頻譜方法估算紊流中與溶血相關之黏滯切應力 嚴仁鴻; 陳勝夫; 陳銘凱; 盧博堅
104 20151113~20151114 收縮流場中能量消散率與溶血相關性研究 盧博堅; 嚴仁鴻; 陳銘凱; 鄭玉堂; 陳宏仁
103 20141229~20141231 Capacitive Deionization and Disinfection of Seawater with Ag@C and Cu@C on Graphene W.-T. Chang; P.-F. Cai; C.-Y. Peng; H. Paul Wang
103 20141202~20141210 SPECIFYING INTENSITY FORECAST UNCERTAINTY Russell L. Elsberry; Hsiao-Chung Tsai; Charles Sampson
103 20141207~20141211 Dye-sensitized Solar Cell Electrodes Using Nickel Recovered from a Wastewater Chang, L.-Y.; Chen, C.-W.; Peng, C.-Y.; Wong, C.-L.; Wang. H. Paul
103 20141207~20141211 Capacitive Deionization of Seawater with Disinfection Using Ag@C on Graphene Nanosheet Electrodes Chang, W.-T.; Cai, P.-F.; Peng, C.-Y.; Wong, C.-L.; Wang, H. Paul
103 20141229~20141231 Dye-sensitized Solar Cell Counter-electrodes using Relatively Cheap Iron and Cobalt Core-shell Nanoparticles Chang, L.-Y.; Peng, C.-Y.; Wnag. H. Paul
103 20150427~20150427 Capacitive Deionization of Seawater with Ag@C/rGO Electrodes Chang, W. T.; Peng, C.Y.; Wang, H. Paul; 彭晴玉
103 20141020~20141020 應用集光型太陽熱電驅動史特靈引擎之薄膜蒸餾海水淡化技術研發 何啟東; 康尚文; 李慶烈; 黃中信; 林玉興; 吳容銘; 林正嵐; 葉和明; 鄭東文; 黃國楨; 陳逸航; 高思懷; 張煖; 張珏庭
103 20140916~20140916 ECMWF全球系集預報模式於颱風生成及路徑展期預報之應用與評估 TSAI, HSIAO-CHUNG; Russell L. Elsberry
103 20140916~20140916 颱風強度預報及誤差不確定性之客觀預報指引開發 TSAI, HSIAO-CHUNG; Russell L. Elsberry
103 20141203~20141206 Integration of polyelectrolyte enhanced ultrafiltration and chemical reduction for metal-containing wastewater treatment and metal recovery 李奇旺
103 20141021~20141024 Recovery of Cu(II) by chemical reduction using sodium dithionite: Effect of pH and Ligands 李奇旺
103 20141114~20141114 水庫水質營養狀態管理指標之研究 康世芳; 何嘉浚; 陳起鳳; 林鎮洋; 劉軒如; 林學文
103 20141204~20141205 數值模擬亞重力波在珊瑚裙礁地形之空間分布 蘇仕峯; 馬鋼鋒
103 20141117~20141118 U型海岸滲含水層水位變化之研究 黃富國; 莊睦雄; 葉弘德; 王淑娟
103 20141116~20141119 Identification and damage assessment of real buildings using recursive hybrid genetic algorithm Wang, G. S.; Tsai, Y. C.; Huang, F. K.
103 20141030~20141103 化學結構與溶解度對電化學氧化處理染料廢水的影響 陳俊成; 鄧文俊
102 20140523~20140523 轉爐石與脫硫渣去除水中磷之研究 徐錠基; 柯明賢; 康世芳; 王子婕; 黃俊霖
102 20140428~20140502 SOM-based hybrid neural network model for flood inundation extent forecasting Chang L. C.; Shen H. Y.; Chang F. J.
102 20140428~20140502 Artificial intelligent techniques for optimizing water allocation in a reservoir watershed Chang F. J.; Chang L. C.; Wang Y. C.
102 20131025~20131026 宜蘭礁溪淹水區域推估之研究 黃建維; 張麗秋
102 20131018~20131018 類神經網路結合運動波理論於石門水庫入流量預測之研究 張睿涵; 張麗秋
102 20131018~20131018 以自組特徵映射網路探討颱風路徑與石門水庫集水區降雨特徵之研究 蔡豐合; 蕭閔鍾; 張斐章; 張麗秋
102 20131115~20131116 拉伸應力對紅血球溶血的影響 盧博堅; 嚴仁鴻; 蔡明勳;邱奕銘; 陳曉鐘; 陳銘凱
102 20131121~20131122 近岸漂沙於珊瑚礁島嶼之初步探討 - 以南沙太平島為例 蔡獲光; 廖欣岳; 朱志誠; 蘇仕峰
102 20131018~20131018 探討以類神經網路結合雷達降雨應用不同輸入因子預測石門水庫入流量之分析 楊舜年; 張斐章; 張麗秋
102 20130808-2013-0815 Fluoride recovery from spent fluoride etching solution through crystallization of Na3AlF6 (synthetic cryolite) 李奇旺
102 20140624~20140627 The Effect of Solubility and Structure on Dye Wastewater Treatment with Electrochemical Process Chen, Luke; Yang, Chen-Lu
102 20131115~20131115 粒狀氫氧化鐵去除水中鉬之研究 康世芳; 李柏青; 連思琦; 黃耀輝
102 20131115~20131115 粒狀氫氧化鐵去除水中鉬之研究 康世芳; 李柏青; 連思琦; 黃耀輝
102 20140624~20140627 The effect of solubility and structure on dye wastewater treatment with electrochemical process Chen, Luke; Deng, Win-Jyun; Yang, Chen-Lu
101 20121012~20121012 以類神經網路與二維淹水模式分析區域淹水之研究 楊舜年; 張麗秋
101 20121012~20121012 以HHT探討石門水庫集水區暴雨趨勢之研究 蔡豐合; 張麗秋
101 20120924~20120927 Investigation of the effect of climate change on water resources using Hilbert-Huang Transform Li-Chiu Chang
101 20121119~20121122 Changes to flooding potentials in South East Queensland based on GCM outputs and observations Yi-Ru Chen; Bofu Yu; Nagayanagi Ryoji
101 20130722~20130726 Impacts of climate and land-use changes on floods in an urban catchment in southeast Queensland, Australia. Yi-Ru Chen; Bofu Yu
101 20120831~20120831 台北市水肥水質特性及投入水質標準之合理性探討 陳永輝; 陳宏銘; 姚文成; 高誠郎; 陳玠源; 李奇旺
101 20120916~20120921 Granulation of biological flocs under elevated pressure: Characteristics of granules Li, Chi-wang
100 20120422~20120427 Optimizing long-term reservoir operation through multi-tier interactive genetic algorithm Wang K.W.; Chang L.C.; Chang F. J.
100 20111205~20111209 Flood Identification from Satellite Using Neural Networks Chang L. C.; Kao I. F.; Shih K. K.
100 20111214~20111215 以自組特徵映射網路分析淹水潛勢圖之區域分布 沈宏榆; 張麗秋
100 20111026~20111026 應用類神經網路於衛星影響淹水辨識之研究 高毅灃; 施國肱; 張麗秋
100 20120619~20120622 Feasibility Study for Dispersed Dye Recovering with Surfactant and Solvent Extraction Chen, Luke; Kuo, Tzu-hui; Yang, Chen-lu
100 20120328-20120330 Granulation of biological flocs under elevated pressure 李奇旺
99 20110623~20110624 An integrated neural network and clustering method for forecasting flood inundation depths Shen H. Y.; Chang L. C.
99 20101011~20101013 Building Real-Time Reservoir Flood Control Model by Hybrid Intelligent Methods 張麗秋
99 20101213~20101217 Building Flood Inundation Warning Systems by Using Serial-Propagated Neural Networks Li-Chiu Chang
99 20101022~20101022 人工溼地水生植物碳儲存量之評估. 黃大肯; 張文亮
98 20090921~20090925 Intermittent high pressure sequential bioreactor (IHPSB) with integration of sand filtration system for synthetic wastewater treatment 李奇旺
98 20091211~20091212 紊流剪力流場之溶血:雷諾應力對應黏滯應力 盧博堅; 嚴仁鴻; 李其霈; 林志誠; 許廷維; 周迺寬; 張正興
98 20090831~20090905 分類型類神經網路於易淹水地區水位之推估 張麗秋
98 20091101~20091101 Recovery of Copper and DCA from Simulated Micellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration (MEUF) Waste Stream Li, Chi-wang; Liu, Chuan-kun
98 20091218~20090530 Estimation of Viscous Dissipative Stresses Induced by a Mechanical Heart Valve Using PIV Data Lu, Po-chien
98 20091214~20091218 Estimation of Flood Inundation Extent Using Hybrid Models 張麗秋
97 20081121~20081121 具不同大小及形狀的旁支道長形封閉空間之聲波傳播研究 劉嘉俊; 盧博堅; 陳俊成
97 20081121~20081121 具不同大小及形狀的旁支道長形封閉空間之聲波傳播研究 劉嘉俊; 盧博堅; 陳俊成
97 20090528~20090530 Estimation of Viscous Dissipative Stresses Induced by a Mechanical Heart Valve Using PIV Data Li CP, Lo CW, Lu PC
97 20090523~20090523 Prediction of Sound Propagation in Long Enclosures with Different Impedance Boundaries Using Coherent Model Liu JCC, Lu PC
97 20081212~20081213 機械心瓣的雷諾切應力與黏滯力消散之關係 李其霈; 劉佳興; 羅啟文; 盧博堅
97 20090730~20090801 Closing Behavior Simulation of Mechanical Heart Valve: Squeeze Flow in Moving Rods Model Liu, J. S.; Lo, C. W.; Lu, P. C.
97 20090523~20090523 Prediction of Sound Propagation in Long Enclosures with Different Impedance Boundaries Using Coherent Model Liu, J. C. C.; Lu, P. C.
97 20080810~20080813 ntegration of ceramic membrane and compressed air-assisted solvent extraction (CAXE) for Cr(VI) recovery 李奇旺
97 20081215~20081219 Intelligent Real-Time Reservoir Operation for Flood Control 張麗秋; Hsu, H. C.
97 20080822~20080824 應用改良型基因演算法於結構動力系統識別 王淑娟; 黃富國; 洪忠儀
97 20081114~20081114 化學混凝程序去除水中鉛、銻之研究 徐錠基; 康世芳; 雷佳蓉; 黃耀輝; 王根樹
97 20081107~20081108 液液萃取過程中萃取劑溶出之討論 陳映慈; 李穎昇; 李奇旺
96 20071123~20071124 即時分析都市垃圾焚化底渣燒製輕質骨材生成之CO2 陳政綱; 何志軒; 孫常榮; 高思懷
96 20071123~20071124 即時分析都市垃圾焚化底渣燒製輕質骨材生成之CO2 陳政綱; 何志軒; 孫常榮; 高思懷
96 20080524~20080524 Study on Sound Propagation in Long Enclosures with a Widened or Extended Vertical /Inclined Branch Liu, J. C. C.; Lu, P. C.
96 20071214~20071215 機械心瓣穴蝕現象之研究:物理模型研究 盧博堅; 劉佳興; 羅啟文; 李其霈; 曾博駿; 孫妍婷
96 20070906~20070907 辦公室通風與空氣品質模擬 林金賢; 張正興; 盧博堅
96 20071123~20071123 以拋物面聚音裝置鑑定音源之研究 劉嘉俊; 盧博堅; 陳俊成
96 20071123~20071123 以拋物面聚音裝置鑑定音源之研究 劉嘉俊; 盧博堅; 陳俊成
96 20070911~20070914 Compressed air-assisted solvent extraction and flotation (CAASEF) for Cr(VI) recovery from spent plating solution 李奇旺; Li, Chi-wang
96 20071214~20071215 機械心瓣穴蝕現象研究-物理模型模擬 盧博堅; 劉佳興; 羅啟文; 李其霈; 孫妍婷; 曾博駿
96 20080619~20080621 A Physical Model Investigation of Cavitation Phenomena in Mechanical Heart Valves Lo, C. W.; Lu, P. C.; Liu, J. S.; Li, C. P.; Hwang, N. H. C.
96 以倒傳遞類神經網路建立雨水下水道水位預測模式 張凱堯; 張仁德; 胡湘帆; 張麗秋; Chang, Li-chiu
96 Reservoir Flood Operation Planning Using Penalty-Type Genetic Algorithm 張麗秋; Chang, Li-chiu
96 20070911~20070914 Compressed air-assisted solvent extraction and flotation (CAASEF) for Cr(VI) recovery from spent plating solution 李奇旺
96 20071123~20071124 液液萃取過程中萃取劑溶出之討論 李奇旺
96 20070914~20070914 水資源政策風險管理機制-天氣保險於水資源政策規劃的應用 虞國興; 劉世翔; 徐幸瑜; 吳啟瑞
96 20071123~20071123 以抛物面聚音裝置鑑定音源之研究 劉嘉俊; 盧博堅; 陳俊成
96 20071123~20071123 以抛物面聚音裝置鑑定音源之研究 劉嘉俊; 盧博堅; 陳俊成
96 20071116~20071116 水庫淤泥添加改善都市垃圾焚化灰渣燒製輕質骨材之研究 吳靜薇; 高思懷; 孫常榮; 何志軒
96 20071123~20071124 都市垃圾焚化底渣以水萃及磷酸穩定為資源再利用前處理程序之研究 李志偉; 李明國; 孫常榮; 高思懷
95 20061124~20061124 討論500 and 1000 Hz 時具直角/斜角支道長形封閉空間之聲波傳播研究 劉嘉俊; 盧博堅; 陳俊成
95 20061124~20061124 討論500 and 1000 Hz 時具直角/斜角支道長形封閉空間之聲波傳播研究 劉嘉俊; 盧博堅; 陳俊成
95 The Investigation on the Ability of Particle removal by Electro-aggregation Method from High-turbidity Reservoir Water 李柏青; Lee, Po-ching; Gau, Sue-huai; Song, Chau-cheng
95 20061024~20061026 磷酸穩定都市垃圾焚化底渣之研究(II)—銅、鋅之穩定 高思懷; 孫常榮; 王昌; 吳俊輝
95 20061024~20061026 磷酸穩定都市垃圾焚化底渣之研究(I)—鉛之穩定 高思懷; 孫常榮; 王昌; 黃靖云
95 20061117~20061118 聚電解質結合超過濾(PEUF)去除水中重金屬離子:EDTA螯合劑之影響探討 李奇旺
95 20061117~20061118 新穎萃取技術加壓式氣泡油膜萃取系統 李奇旺
95 20061117~20061118 都市垃圾焚化底渣燒製輕質骨材之研究--粗粒徑底渣外添加氧化鐵之影響 高思懷; 孫常榮
95 20061123~20061123 利用電聚法處理印刷油墨廢水之研究 高思懷
95 20060901~20060901 Assessment model for the liquefaction probability and associated damages 黃富國
95 20060901~20060901 Application of Artificial Intelligence Technique to Structural Dynamic 黃富國
95 20070607~20070609 MHV occluder motion in accelerated testing Liu, J. S.; Lo, C. W.; Lu, P. C.; Hwang, N.H.C.
95 20070616~20070616 以類比式回饋有源控制系統降低低頻噪音之研究 劉嘉俊; 盧博堅; 陳俊成
95 20070616~20070616 以類比式回饋有源控制系統降低低頻噪音之研究 劉嘉俊; 盧博堅; 陳俊成
95 20061019~20061019 沉陷檢測與地下水位等兩項資料之其他用途 施清吉; 陳致宏
95 20060911~20061101 添加氧化鐵及氧化矽燒製都市垃圾焚化底渣輕質骨材 陳雨詩; 高思懷; 孫常榮; 何志軒
95 20061021~20061021 應用TRIZ原理於化解環境衝突之個案研究 陳俊成; 鄭旭浩
94 20060610~20060610 有源隔音牆中誤差感應器的位置最佳化 劉嘉俊; 盧博堅; 陳俊成
94 20060610~20060610 有源隔音牆中誤差感應器的位置最佳化 劉嘉俊; 盧博堅; 陳俊成
94 20060118~20060121 Numerical Studies of Curved-walled Micro Nozzle/Diffuser Chen, Yu-tang; Hsu, Chin-chun; Chang, Ming-cheng; Kang, Shung-wen
94 20060620~20060623 Pb Stabilization in the Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Bottom Ash by Phosphoric Acid 高思懷; Sun, Chang-jung
94 20051113~20051114 土壤污染受害者補償制度之研究 鄭旭浩; 陳俊成; 楊昌憲
94 20051113~20051114 民眾參與海洋污染緊急應變機制之研究 鄭旭浩; 陳俊成; 楊昌憲
94 20051013~20051013 結合人工智慧與專家知識之智慧型水庫操作系統 張斐章; 張雅婷; 張麗秋
94 20051118~20051119 從永續發展與經濟發展的角度探討台灣人口政策之合理性 張保興; 林冠銀
94 20060620~20060623 Development of the MSWI fly ash regeneration technology by wet stabilization accompany with sintering process 高思懷; Sun, Chang-jung
94 20050908~20050910 頻率相依等值線性地盤反應分析模式(FDEL)驗證 黃富國; 王淑娟
94 20060601~20060601 Comparison of PGA Determination Methods for liquefaction analysis 黃富國
94 20060609~20060609 Quantitative Characteristics Of Vortices In The Regurgitant Flow Across Mechanical Heart Valves 盧博堅; Li, Chi-pei; Liu, Jia-shing; Lo, Chi-wen; Hwang, Ned H. C.
94 20060608~20060608 Cavitation Behavior Of Three Monoleaflet Valves Under Accelerated Testing 盧博堅; Lo, Chi-wen; Liu, Jia-shing; Hwang, Ned H. C.
94 以灰色理論評估乾旱時期水庫入流量之研究 王國威; 張麗秋; Chang, Li-chiu
94 應用類神經網路及GMS-5 衛星影像預測颱風降雨量 蔡孟蓉; 張麗秋; Chang, Li-chiu; 張斐章
94 Optimization under linguistic requirements of Reservoir Flood Control 張麗秋; Chang, Li-chiu; Wang, Kuo-wei
94 20060611-20060615 Nitrate removal by fluidized zero-valent iron (ZVI) with two-column setup and pressurization with CO2 李奇旺
94 20060611~20060614 Atrazine Degradation through Oxidative Transformation by Zerovalent Iron (ZVI) 李奇旺
94 20051027~20051102 Micellar-Enhanced Ultrafiltration (MEUF) for Removing Metals and Organic Contaminants Using Mixed Surfactants 李奇旺
94 20060601~20060601 Application of Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm to System Identification 黃富國
94 20060610~20060610 Mechanical Heart Valve Occluder Closing Behavior In Accelerated Liu, Jia-shing; Lo, Chi-wen; Wu, Chang-fu; Lu, Po-Chien; Hwang, Ned H.C.
94 20051013~20051013 蘭陽溪—水文防洪預測模式之建置 張麗秋; 蔡亞欣; 邱昱禎; 張斐章
94 20051118~20051118 隔音效果的測量方法比較與改進 劉嘉俊; 盧博堅
93 20050621~20050624 Pilot Test for NO oxidation in a Packed Tower with NaCIO2 Solution 陳俊成
93 20050520~20050520 零價鐵流體化反應器對地下水中污染物去除之研究 吳佳鴻; 林美惠; 嚴煒舜; 鄭成輝; 陳一銘; 李奇旺
93 20050710~20050715 Combining membrane and fluidized zero-valent iron for nitrate removal: Fate of by-products 李奇旺
93 20050710~20050713 Combining electrolytic process and micellar enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF) for metal removal 李奇旺
93 20050610~20050610 整合三葉人工心瓣電腦輔助設計及流場測試研究 盧博堅
93 20050609~20050611 Water Hammer Effect on an Accelerated Testing Mechanical Heart Valve 盧博堅; Liu, J. S.; lo, C. W.; Hwang, Ned H. C.
93 零價鐵流體化反應器對硝酸鹽去除之研究 李奇旺; Li, Chi-wang
93 Fluidized zerovalent iron bed reactor for nitrate removal 李奇旺; Li, Chi-wang
93 20041123~20041124 都市垃圾焚化底渣衛生掩埋場處理廢酸之可行性研究 高思懷; 柴浣蘭; 周錦東
93 20050601~20050601 Application of Genetic Algorithm to Structure modal parameter identification of a high-rise building Wang, G.S. ; Huang, F.K. ; Lin, H.H.
93 結合薄膜微胞及電化學法去除廢水中的金屬銅 李奇旺; Li, Chi-wang
93 20041126~20041127 結合薄膜微胞及電化學法去除廢水中的金屬銅 劉傳崑; 李奇旺
92 20040622~20040625 The Behavior of Heavy Metals in MSW Incinerator Fly Ash During Thermal Process 高思懷
92 20030908~20030910 Fouling of UF Membrane by Humic Substance:Effects of Molecular Weight and PAC (Power Activated Carbon) Pre-treatment Li, Chi-Wang; Chen, Yi-Shiou
92 20040601~20040601 Oxidation and absorption of nitric oxide in a packed tower with sodium hypochlorite aqueous solution Chen, Luke; Hsu, Chung-ho; Yang, Chen-lu
92 20031205~20031206 台灣人與河的互動:北海岸河川治理的觀察 陳俊成
92 20040601~20040603 Integrating membrane and fluidized pellet reactor for hardness removal : Effects of NOM and phosphate 李奇旺; Li, Chi-wang
92 20031205~20031205 台灣人與河的互動-北海岸河川治理的觀察 陳俊成
92 20030801~20030801 城市移動污染源排放減量策略 陳俊成
92 20040105~20040105 台北市移動污染源排放減量策略探討 陳俊成
92 Photo-Fenton程序氫氧自由基生成及降解反應性染料之研究 李奇旺; Li, Chi-wang
92 Fouling of UF membrane by humic substance : Effect of molecular weight and PAC (powder activated carbon) pre-treatment Li, Chi-wang; Chen, Yi-shiou
92 20040106~20040106 智慧型控制理論於水庫操作之應用 張麗秋; 張雅婷; 張斐章
92 20040106~20040106 智慧型水文防洪分析系統之研究 張麗秋; 江衍銘; 黃浩倫; 張斐章
92 Stress and hemodynaic analyses on stented coronary artery-reconstructed from routine 3D angiography Wu, H. C.; 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; Hansgen, A.; Chen, S. James; Carroll, John D.; Hwang, Ned H. C.
92 20031201~20031201 Optimization of fuzzy programming for reservoir operation Chang, Li-chiu; Chang, F. J.; Chiu, Y. C.
92 An experimental study of steady flow patierns of a new trileaflet mechanical aortic valve Liu, J. S.; 盧博堅; Lu, P. C.; Luo, C. W.; Hwang, N. H. C.
92 Computational hemodynamics of implanted coronary stent based on 3D cine angiography reconstruction Chen, M. C. Y.; 盧博堅; Lu, P. C.; Chen, S. J.; Hwang, N. H. C.
92 Valveloading force of the sjm bileaflet mechanical heart valve with asynchronous closure Liu, J. S.; Luo, C. W.; 盧博堅; Lu, P. C.; Hwang, N. H. C.
92 20031112~20031112 Experimental and computational flow evaluation of a new ttileaflet mechanical aortic valve Liu, Jia-shing; Lee, Shi-min; 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; Luo, C. W.; Lai, Ho-cheng; Huang, R. H.; Hwang, Ned H.C.
92 20031212~20031212 濁水溪流域暴雨時期流量預測之研究 惠士奇; 張斐章; 張麗秋
92 有機物特性對硬度去除影響之研究 李奇旺; Li, Chi-wang
92 酸化處理對染整化學污泥減量及其脫水性之影響 李奇旺; Li, Chi-wang
92 螯合劑對微胞薄膜程序(MEUF)去除銅離子之影響 李奇旺; Li, Chi-wang
91 20030330~20030330 Transfer of turbulence to acoustic energy in pulmone, stenosis murmurs 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; Gross, D. R. (等)
91 Fouling of UF membrane by humic substance: Effects of molecular weight and PAC (power activated carbon) pre-treatment 李奇旺
91 20021101~20021101 兩段式洗滌吸收除硝系統操作參數研究 陳俊成; 許仲豪
91 20021001~20021001 Response spectra for building in Taiwan area Huang, Fu-kuo
91 利用電鍍法從薄膜微胞廢液中回收銅和界面活性劑 劉傳崑; 李奇旺
91 Simultaneouly recovery of copper and surfactant by electrolytic process from simulated waste stream of micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration process Li, Chi-wang
91 結合薄膜及流體化結晶床對自來水中硬度去除之研究 : 水中自然有機物、磷酸鹽濃度及濁度對硬度去除之影響 李奇旺
91 20021220~20021221 台灣地區典型商業建築耗能分析與全尺度實驗印證 (1) 王佑萱; 蕭艾鈴; 楊冠雄; 王士紘; Wang, Shih-hong
91 20021220~20021221 潔淨室污染控制及恆溫恆溼控制研究 王士紘; Wang, Shih-hong; 洪嘉宏; 柯建明; 楊智勝
91 20021118~20021119 我國自來水市場解除管制可行性之研究 虞國興; 康世芳; 胡名雯
91 明渠水質模式研究 王士紘; Wang, Shih-hong; 謝瑋珍
91 Accelerated cyclic testing of replacement heart valves(RHV) Xi, B.; Lee S. Y.; Wang S. K.; 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; Liu, J. S.; Hwang, N. H. C.
91 The closing behavior of mechanical aortic valve prosthesis 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; Liu, J. S.; Huang, R. H.; Luo, C. W.; Lai, H. C.; Hwang, N. H. C.
91 The closing behavior of a new trileaflet aortic heart valve prosthesis 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; Liu, J. S.; Hwang, N. H. C.
91 新型三葉片機械心瓣 : 從設計至體外測試 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; 陳炤彰; 黃仁宏; 劉佳興; 羅啟文; 朱樹勳
90 20011214~20011215 垃圾焚化飛灰萃取特性探討 高思懷; 蘇許文; 林家禾
90 20020710~20020711 線性規劃模式應用於大型水資源系統之研究 施國肱; 侯俊成
90 20011214~20011215 Fenton氧化對活性碳吸附染整廢水中有機物之影響 李文村; 康世芳; 章日行
90 20011207~20011207 Study on the Reuse of Textile Effluents by Membrane Separation 顏幸苑; 康世芳; 楊木火
90 20020101~20020101 智慧型控制理論於水庫操作決策之研究(二) 張麗秋; 張斐章; 張雅婷
90 20020101~20020101 農業水庫最佳操作策略之研議(I) 張麗秋; 張斐章; 張雅婷
90 結合薄膜及流體化結晶床對自來水中硬度去除之研究 李奇旺; 簡兆成; 廖榮志
90 Combining membrane and fluidized bed pellet reactor for hardness removal 李奇旺
90 H2O2/UV程序處理染整業放流水之研究 康世芳; 廖志祥; 姚逸駿
90 薄膜程序處理染整業放流水回收再利用之研究 陳孝行; 康世芳; 黃明樟
90 Treatment of textile effluents by H2O2/UV oxidation combined with RO separation for reuse Yen, Hsing-yuan; Kang, Shyh-fang; Yang, Mu-hoe
90 20011212~20011212 大甲溪洪峰流量之特性分析-以德基水庫入流量為例 蔡亞欣; 張麗秋; 張斐章
89 20001209~20001210 二維矩柱體橫風向與扭轉向振動耦合之氣動力現象 盧博堅; Lu, Po-Chien; 吳邦俊; Wu, Bang-Jiun; 鄭啟明; Cheng, Chii-Ming
89 20001201~20001202 焚化底灰再利用於燒製紅磚可行性之探討 高思懷; 王鯤生; 謝政峰; 吳慶龍
89 20001201~20001202 洗滌法添加Na/sub 2/SO/sub 3/對NO/sub 2/去除率之影響研究 陳俊成; 林俊維
89 20010728~20010728 系統動態學及GIS在交通空氣污染改善策略之評估應用 楊文龍; 陳俊成
89 20001209~20001210 二維偏心矩柱體橫向與扭轉向振動耦合之氣彈現象 盧博堅; 鄭宇峻; 鄭啟明
89 20001201~20001201 FENTON程序改善染整廢水有機物特性之研究 康世芳; 陳宇陽; 楊振昇
89 20010529~20010530 定量與非定量拘限噴射流之量測 盧博堅; 賴和成
89 20001120~20001120 Intelligent control system for real time reservoir operation 張麗秋; Chang, Li-chiu; Chang, F. J.
89 20000901~20000901 學校建築基礎補強及土壤改良 黃富國
89 利用稀土金屬元素探針量測自然有機物中消毒副產物之前驅 李奇旺
89 H2O2/UV程序結合針鐵礦對於EDTA氧化之研究 廖志祥; 康世芳; 曾明加
89 20001209~20001210 二維偏心矩柱體橫向與扭轉向振動耦合之氣彈力現象 盧博堅; Lu, Po-Chien; 鄭宇峻; Cheng, Yu-Chun; 鄭啟明; Cheng, Chii-Ming
89 Preoxidation and coagulation of textile wastewater by fenton process Kang, Shyh-fang; Liao, Chih-hsiang; Chen, Mon-chun
89 以活性碳迷你管柱評估活性碳吸附水中背景有機物之研究 王根樹; 康世芳; 湯可弘
89 雲嘉地區地層下陷控制參數之探討 施清吉; Shih, Ching-chi; 李建興; 陳鑑銘
89 Performance-based design & analysis of smoke management system for large open space building 楊冠雄; 王士紘; Wang, Shih-hong
89 20010101~20010101 以即時回饋式類神經網路建構大甲溪流域之颱洪事件預報模式 張麗秋; 丁裕峰; 張斐章
89 建築外殼能管制實施現況檢討研究 楊冠雄; 王士紘; Wang, Shih-hong; 王子文
89 Enhanced coagulation for removal of dissolved natural organic matter in source water Wang, G. S.; Kang, S. F.; Pai, S. Y.; Chen, H. W.; Yang, H. J.
89 焚化底灰再利用於燒製紅磚可行性之探討 高思懷(編)
89 電聚浮除法釋鐵量的推估與控制 高思懷(編)
89 穩定焚化底灰掩埋層處理灰渣滲出水能力之探討 高思懷(編)
89 20000828~20000830 基礎修復補強之對策與工法探討 黃富國; 周功台; 何政弘
89 A feasibility study of incinerator bottom ash regeneration as a substitute material for the sub-base of road construction 高思懷; Gau, Sue-huai
89 Characteristics and prediction model of leachate from landfill of incineration ashes 高思懷; Gau, Sue-huai
89 Characteristics of leachate from landfill of incineration residuals 高思懷; Gau, Sue-huai
89 Development of leachate model from landfill of MSW combined with incineration ashes 高思懷; Gau, Sue-huai
89 Landfill leachate quality modeling of municipal solid wastes combined with incinerator residuals 高思懷; Gau, Sue-huai
89 Modeling of leachate and characteristics of adsorption and desorption for landfill of incineration ashes 高思懷; Gau, Sue-huai
89 利用電聚浮除法處理受污染感潮河段河水之能力 高思懷; 劉世澐
89 20010705~20010706 建立主從式水文分析模式 張景忠; 張麗秋; 張斐章
89 20010705~20010706 雲嘉地區地層下陷控制參數之探討 施清吉; 李建興; 陳鑑銘
89 20010705~20010706 The Linearized Analytical Approach of Natural Stream Flow Wang, Shih-hong; Lo, C. W.
89 20001201~20001202 利用電聚浮除法處理受汙染感潮河段河水之能力 高思懷; 劉世澐
89 20001201~20001202 電聚浮除法釋鐵量的推估與控制 劉冠池; 高思懷; 周錦東
88 不同掩埋齡之焚化底灰吸脫附基本特性 高思懷; 周錦東; 全以仁
88 都市垃圾焚化底灰對有機物質吸脫附特性之探討 高思懷; 周錦東; 全以仁; 廖廷寬
88 19991226~19991227 都市垃圾焚化底灰對有機物質吸脫附特性之探討 高思懷; 周錦東; 全以仁; 廖庭寬
88 19991226~19991227 焚化底灰粗粒徑替代道路基層材料之可行性探討 高思懷; 王鯤生; 謝政峰; 吳慶龍; 劉世澐
88 19990801~19990801 Modeling pesticide volatilization from turf 李柏青
88 19991126~19991127 洗滌塔添加氧化劑應用於去除硫化氫之參數研究 陳俊成; 黃亮潔
88 19991217~19991219 都市交通空氣汙染管理策略之影響評估 楊文龍; 陳俊成
88 19991217~19991219 淡水河流域汙水廠最佳配置研究 陳俊成; 蕭培元
88 19991126~19991127;新竹市, 臺灣 氯離子與碳酸根對H2O2/UV氧化程序之共同效應研究 廖志祥; 康世芳; 吳福安
88 19991126~19991127 新型濾料過濾去除濁度及粒徑分布之研究 康世芳; 吳家榮; 李佑昇; 杭子樵
88 19991126~19991127 Fenton法與活性碳配合於石化廢水處理之研究 高思懷; 孫亞瑋
88 20000101~20000101 智慧型控制理論於水庫操作決策之研究 張麗秋; 張斐章; 向子菁; 惠士奇
88 19991201~19991201 淡水河流域污水廠最佳配置研究 陳俊成; 蕭垃元
88 20000601~20000601 Estimation of long range acid transport and deposition to Taiwan Chian, Hsu-cheng; 陳俊成; Chen, Luke J.; Grag, Camicheal
88 19991201~19991201 戴奧辛的風險評估整合系統 陳俊成; 陳英欽
88 交通管理策略與空氣污染之系統模式 楊文龍; 陳俊成
88 20000701~20000701 System dynamics approach to evaluate the impact on traffic management policy to urban air quality 陳俊成; Chen, Luke J.; Yang, Wen-lung
88 Surrogate parameters for disinfection by product formation potential(DBPFP) : effect of concentration and separation techniques 李奇旺; Li, Chi-wang; Korshin, Gregory V.; Benjamin, Mark M.
88 Database for management and analysis of harmonic data Chang, Y. C.; 蕭瑛東; Hsiao, Ying-tung; Hsu, C. C.
88 20000301~20000301 模糊系統規劃模式於農業水資源經營之研究(I) 張麗秋; 張斐章; 向子菁
88 焚化底灰粗粒徑替代道路基層材料之可行性探討 高思懷; 王鯤生; 謝正峰; 吳慶隆; 劉世澐
88 Characteristics and modeling of leachate from landfill of incineration ashes 高思懷; Gau, Sue-huai
88 都市垃圾與焚化灰渣共同掩埋滲出水水量推估模式 柴浣蘭; 周錦東; 高思懷
88 19991126~19991127 工業區納管工廠廢污前處理及管理措施之探討 張祖恩; 呂明和; 康世芳; 陳秋楊; 盧重興
88 19991126~19991127 EDTA經H2O2/UV程序處理之礦化現象之研究 廖志祥; 康世芳; 曾明加
88 19991126~19991127 FENTON程序氧化與混凝處理染整業生物出流水之研究 康世芳; 許聖哲; 楊振昇; 陳孟春
88 以過硫酸鉀亞鐵系統處理灰渣掩埋滲出水 高思懷; 蕭雅玲; 張子蕙
88 19991126~19991127 以過硫酸鉀亞鐵系統處理焚化灰渣掩埋滲出水 高思懷; 蕭雅玲; 張子蕙
88 20000301~20000301 非營利組織之志工經驗與領導 王士峰; 王士紘; 盧俊澄
88 19991226~19991227 不同掩埋齡之焚化底灰吸脫附基本特性 高思懷; 周錦東; 全以仁
88 20000328~20000329 Surrogate Parameters for Disinfection by-Products Formation Potential(DBPFP):Effects of Concentration and Separation Techniques Li, Chi-Wang; Benjamin, M. M.; Korshin, G. V.
87 台灣地區垃圾衛生掩埋場興建施工階段缺失探討 高思懷; 段晉義
87 19990109~19990110 都市交通管理策略對空氣汙染之影響評估 楊文龍; 陳俊成
87 19981217~19981219 交通管理策略與空氣汙染之系統模式 楊文龍; 陳俊成
87 19981222~19981222 即時回饋式類神經網路於流量推估之應用 張斐章; 黃浩倫; 張麗秋; Chang, Li-chiu
87 19981121~19981121 利用電聚浮除法處理染料廢水能力之探討 高思懷; 李宗哲
87 19981121~19981121 利用電聚浮除法處理生活污水能力之探討 高思懷; 張子蕙
87 19981218~19981219 ERMES呼叫器中頻解調器晶片之研製 陳俊成; 張浩彰; 葉定修; 李揚漢
87 19990716~19990716 模具研磨過程中之三維研磨力量測與研磨路徑之比較 劉昭華; 陳炤彰; 林嘉彥; 陳俊成
87 19990621~19990622 The development of separation shear layers of rectangulaar cylinders in 2-D turbulent flows 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; 鄭啟明; Cheng, Chii-ming
87 19981201~19981201 交通管理策略與空氣污染之系統模式 楊文龍; 陳俊成
87 19981218~19981219 ERMES/FLEX呼叫器中頻積分三角頻率數位轉換調變鑑頻電路之研究 陳禎祥; 游榮豪; 魏國純; 陳俊成; 李揚漢
87 19990601~19990601 洗滌塔添加氧化劑應用於硫化氫參數研究 陳俊成; 黃亮潔
87 19981101~19981101 污染物宿命與風險評估整合系統 陳俊成; 陳守憲
87 多環芳香族於多介質的傳輸模擬 陳俊成; 邱啟榮
87 19990601~19990601 Simulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons transport in multimedia 陳俊成; Chen, Luke J.; Chou, C. S.
87 19990716~19990716 模具研磨過程中三維研磨力量測與研磨路徑之比較 劉昭華; 陳炤彰; 林嘉彥; 陳俊成
87 Acrosswind responses of square shape high-rise buildings with eccentricities 鄭啟明; Cheng, Chii-ming; 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; Tsai, M. W.
87 19990109~19990110 都市交通管理策略對空氣污染之影響評估 楊文龍; 陳俊成
87 三葉片人工心辦放大模型流場量測 盧博堅; 顏大欽; 朱樹勳; 戴念華
87 Photo-fenton oxidation removal of COD and color from polyvinyl alcohol-contained textile wastewater Liao, Chih-hsiang; 康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Hsu, Sheng-che; Po, Sue-pei
87 The development of reparation shear layers of rectangular cylinders in 2-D turbulent flows 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; Cheng, C. M.
87 An instigation of flow within the phoenix-7 total artificial heart 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; Liu, J. S.; Dong, C. S.; Kao, C. M.; Hsu, C. H.; Cheng, K. K. T.
87 Application of artificial neutral network to control the coagulant dosing in water treatment plant Yu, Ruey-fang; 康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Liaw, Shu-liang; Chen, Mei-chih
87 19980921~19980925 相鄰建築物之間距對周圍環境風場的影響 盧博堅; 鄭啟明; 吳坤微
87 19980921~19980921 三維矩斷面柱體所受之扭轉向風力特性 鄭啟明; 盧博堅
87 都市垃圾焚化底灰對灰渣滲出水處理能力之研究 高思懷; 陳志雄
87 19981121~19981122 Photo-Fenton分解硝基酚之研究 王德修; 康世芳
87 準好氧性掩埋及其滲出水返送之模廠研究 高思懷; 徐孟頫
86 垃圾衛生掩埋場操作營運管理階段缺失探討 高思懷; 段晉義
86 19971206~19971207 室內外空氣污染物濃度關聯模式 陳俊成; 李昭賢; 鄭光榮
86 19971206~19971207 揮發性有機物於多介質之傳輸模擬 陳俊成; 李昭賢
86 19980114~19980116 An aeroelastic phenomenon induced by lateral -torsional coupling 鄭啟明; Cheng, Chii-ming;  Lu, Po-Chien ;  Tsai, Mun-Wei
86 19971206~19971207 比較電聚浮法、電凝法及FENTON法改善染整工業區廢水之模廠研究 高思懷; 劉敬彪
86 19980614~19980618 Correlated model for indoor and outdoor air pollutants 陳俊成; Chen, Luke J.; Lee, J. S. ; Cheng, K. S.
86 19971206~19971207 Fenton法氧化2,4-二硝基酚動力學之研究 康世芳; 林春雲; 廖志祥
86 19980301~19980301 Turbulence characteristics downstream of bileaflet aortic valve prostheses Liu, Jia-shing; 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; Chu, Shu-hsun
86 Kinetic study on Fenton's and Fenton-like oxidation of 2,4-Dinitrophenol 康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Lin, Chun-Yuen; Liao, Chih-hsiang
86 19971206~19971206 都市垃圾與焚化底灰共同掩埋滲出水特性與鐵鉛溶出之推估模式 高思懷; 簡昆賜; 周錦東
86 19971206~19971206 穩定垃圾層對垃圾滲出水循環處理能力之研究 高思懷; 許聖杰
86 19971206~19971206 利用電聚浮除法處理染整工業區廢水之研究 高思懷; 呂冠霖
86 19971212~19971212 鳳凰人工心臟流場量測 盧博堅; 劉佳興; 鄭國材; 魏崢; 董金生
86 19980320~19980320 我國廣播電台競爭策略之研究:以大台北地區商業電台為例 黃佑安; 沈榮欽; 王秉鈞
86 19970828~19970830 動力打樁引致之地盤振動反應 楊樹華; 陳正興; 黃富國
86 19971201~19971201 GIS於WWW線上查詢之研議--JAVA之角色 張麗秋; Chang, Li-chiu張斐章; 姜任飛
86 19980605~19980608 An aeroelastic phenomenon induced by lateral-torsional coupling 盧博堅; Cheng, C. M.
86 Photo-Fento程序參數對氫氧自由基濃度之影響 廖志祥; 康世芳; 柏雪翠
86 三維矩斷面柱體受之扭轉向風力特性 鄭啟明; 盧博堅; 蔡明樹
86 19971220~19971221 邊界層流場中振動方柱體表面壓力分佈之風洞實驗研究 陳若華; 鄭啟明; 盧博堅
86 中空圓筒型濾料過濾去除濁度之研究 康世芳; 許聖哲; 林政紀; 吳家榮
86 Photo-Fenton分解硝基酚之研究 王德修; 康世芳
86 H2O2/UV oxidation treatment of dye manufacturing wastewater int the presence of ferrous ions Liao, Chih-hsiang; 康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Hung, Hung-pin
86 主動脤雙葉片人工心瓣穩態紊流場量測 劉佳興; 盧博堅; 朱樹勳
86 19980101~19980101 Linking CI decay and DBP formation 李奇旺; Li, Chi-wang; Korshin, Gregory V.; Benjamin, Mark M.
86 都市垃圾及焚化底灰共同掩埋之重屬溶出推估模式 高思懷
86 比較電聚浮除法、電凝法及FENTON法改善染整工業區廢水廠之研究 高思懷; 劉敬彪
86 19980708~19980709 匯流渠道線性解析法之研究 王士紘; 鄭文昱; 張國威
86 19971217~19971217 農田水利會網路管理整合系統 張麗秋; Chang, Li-chiu; 張斐章; Chang, Fi-John
85 19961123~19961124 空氣汙染指標與測站特性相關研究 陳俊成; 耿紹基
85 19961123~19961124 非觸媒除硝系統分段注入添加物之研究 陳俊成; 李安慰
85 19971520~19970523 Coagulation of textile secondary effluents with Fentons's reagent 康世芳
85 19960901~19960903 紊流場中振動矩柱之尾跡現象研究 盧博堅; 鄭啟明; 高忠人
85 19961123~19961124 街谷中溫昇效應對汙染擴散之研究 陳俊成; 呂政忠
85 19961214~19961215 橫風向振動對三維矩柱所受風力特性的影響 鄭啟明; 陳若華; 盧博堅
85 Coagulation of textile secondary effluents with Fenton's reagent Kang, Shyh-fang; Hsu, Shen-che; Chang, Huey-min
85 19961123~19961123 垃圾焚化操作條件對排放廢氣濃度之影響 高思懷; 吳彥杰; 丘明中
85 19970101~19970101 都會運具分配策略對空氣污染之影響探討 陳俊成; 楊文龍
85 19970101~19970101 室內外污染物關聯模式 陳俊成; 李昭賢; 鄭光榮
85 污染物在多層孔隙之傳輸模式 王士紘; 陳志雄
85 使用H2O2/UV高級氧化程序處理難分解染料製成廢水 廖志祥; 康世芳; 洪鴻斌; 柳雪翠
85 19971206~19971207 揮發性有機物於多介質之傳輸模擬 陳俊成; 李昭賢
85 FeC13對PMMA質傳與磨耗行為影響 林清彬; 王婉純; 張曾隆; 陳俊成; 馬肇隆
85 邊界層流場中振動方柱體表面壓力分布之風動實驗研究 陳若華; 鄭啟明; 盧博堅
85 19971220~19971221 順風向及橫風向排列相鄰兩振動方柱之氣動現象研究 盧博堅; 鄭啟明; 鄭傑文
85 Fenton法氧化2, 4二硝基酚動力學之研究 康世芳; 林春雲; 廖志祥
85 19961214~19961215 土層放大效應分析基盤之決定及其應用 黃富國
85 19961214~19961215 橫風向振動對三維矩柱體所受風力特性的影響 鄭啟明; 陳若華; 盧博堅; 廖甫斌
85 Fenton程序氧化與混凝去除有機物之研究 康世芳; 張蓓; 陳孟春
85 The relationships among indicators regulating colored industrial effluents 康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Kuo, Shiann-pyng; Chang, Cheng-nan
85 Improving industrial effluent suspended solid and transparency by dual-media filtration 康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Shieh, Chen-cheng; Chiang, Tue-han
85 Landfill leaachate characteristics and modeling of municipal solid Wastes Combined with Incinerated Residuals 高思懷; Gau, Sue-Huai; Chow, Jing-dong
85 19960901~19960903 剪力流中矩柱之渦散現象研究 盧博堅; 鄭啟明; 梁弘昇
85 19960901~19960903 正方斷面高層建築的橫風向氣彈力行為 鄭啟明; 盧博堅; 蔡明樹
85 19961130~19961201 模型隧道內車行活塞效應及風扇效應之探討 陳增源; Chen, T. Y.; 李彥德; Lee, Y. T.; 許中杰; Hsu, Chung-Chieh
85 都市垃圾焚化底灰海域掩埋污染物釋出特性 高思懷; 許聖傑
85 都市垃圾焚化底灰受鹽類影響重金屬釋出之研究 高思懷; 鄭文欽
85 都市垃圾與焚化灰渣共同掩埋場之滲出水預測模式 高思懷; 周錦東
84 19951118~19951119 pH值在Fenton系統中所扮演的角色 張淑芳; 高思懷; 吳嘉麗
84 19951118~19951119 海域掩埋都市下水污泥之污染物滲出特性 高思懷; 劉建中
84 19950918~19950922 Numerical Study for Optimal SNCR Process Chen, Luke; Lee, Wen-Nan
84 A surface water quality index for the source of public water supply 康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Wang, Jia-shyang; Chiang, Yue-han
84 19951214~19951215 主動脈雙葉片人工心瓣脈動流場研究 劉佳興; 盧博堅
84 19960529~19960529 三種主動脈雙葉片人工心瓣脈動速度場及紊流應力分布之比較 劉佳興; 盧博堅; 朱樹勳
84 19951215~19951215 雙葉片人工心瓣放大模型之流場研究 劉佳興; 盧博堅; 朱樹勳
84 19950801~19950801 街谷中紊流流場模擬 陳俊成
84 19960601~19960601 Air pollutant transport in a street canyon 陳俊成
84 19960101~19960101 Butterfly effect to the Pollutant Transport in Street Canyons 陳俊成
84 19960101~19960101 空氣污染指標與測站特性相關研究 陳俊成; 耿紹基
84 19960101~19960101 Risk analysis of soil liquefaction in chianan plain of Taiwan Chen, C. H.; 黃富國; Huang, F. K.
84 19960101~19960101 街谷中溫昇效應對於污染擴散之研究 陳俊成; 呂政中
84 19960101~19960101 Buoyant effect to the pollutant transport in street Canyons 陳俊成; Chen, Luke J.; Chiang, Hue-cheng
84 19951208~19951209 土壤液化之風險分析 黃富國; 陳正興
84 19971206~19971207 都會運具分配策略對空氣污染之影響探討 陳俊成; 楊文龍
84 19961123~19961124 非觸媒除硝系統分段注入添加物之研究 陳俊成; 李安慰
84 Fenton法分解2, 4二硝基酚之研究 康世芳; 王德修; 王俊欽
84 19951208~19951209 橫風向振動對三維方柱體所受風力特性的影響 陳若華; 鄭啟明; 盧博堅
84 19960623~19960623 Improved fenton method to remove the recalcitrant organics in landfill leachate Gau, Sue-huai; Chang, Fang-shu
84 19960623~19960623 Improved Fenton Method to Remove the Recalcitrant Organics in Landfill Leachate Gau, Sue-huai; Chang, Fang-shu
84 19951208~19951209 均勻紊流場中二維方柱受強制振動之氣動力研究 黃俊宏; 陳若華; 盧博堅; 鄭啟明
84 19951118~19951119 Fenton反應中無機鹽之影響 高思懷; 林奮宏; 張芳淑
84 19951118~19951119 利用Fenton法處理垃圾滲出水過程中無機鹽影響 陳怡誠; 高思懷
84 水質腐蝕性調查及防蝕技術需求之芻議 康世芳; 郭文斌; 廖志祥; 洪鴻斌
84 放流水色度管制指標之研究 康世芳; 郭憲平; 張鎮南
84 垃圾掩埋操作方式對滲出水性質之影響 高思懷
84 垃圾焚化條件對排放廢氣濃度及灰渣中重金屬溶出之影響 高思懷
84 海域掩埋都市下水圬泥之圬染物滲出特性 高思懷
84 19951118~19951119 垃圾焚化底灰中銅釋出趨勢之探討 高思懷; 鄭文欽
84 19951118~19951119 垃圾焚化飛灰中無機鹽對重金屬溶出之影響 高思懷; 林家禾
83 19950918~19950922 Numerical Study for Optimal SNCR Process 陳俊成; Chen, Luke; Lee, Wen-Nan
83 19941127~19941128 FENTON法處理垃圾滲出水過程中過氧化氫及COD之分解反應動力 高思懷; 潘鐘; 張淑芳
83 有限解析法應用於街谷污染物傳輸模擬 陳俊成
83 19950101~19950101 非觸媒除硝系統最佳操作研究 陳俊成
83 19950101~19950101 街谷中空氣污染物傳輸模擬 陳俊成
83 19950101~19950101 非觸媒除硝系統數值模擬 陳俊成
83 19950101~19950101 土壤液化分析之應力折減係數研究 陳正興; 黃富國; 蘭文郁; 陳立言
83 19950101~19950101 有限解析法應用於街谷紊流流場模擬 陳俊成
83 水質指標----多屬性效用理論之應用 張保興
83 放流水自動測系統之統計品管技術支援 張保興
83 Applications of the NAC method with height functionsl in Two-dimensional weir flow 施清吉
83 Application of the MAC method with height function in two-dimensional weir flow 施清吉; Shih, Ching-chi; Su, W. F.
83 Reduction of trihalomethane formation using ferrous/hydrogen peroxide 康世芳
83 公共給水水源水質指標之建立 康世芳
83 19941209~19941210 St. Jude Medical和CarboMedics主動脈雙葉片人工心瓣定量流流場量測 劉佳興; 盧博堅; 朱樹勳
83 19941127~19941118 Fenton法處理染整業二級出流水之研究 許聖哲; 康世芳; 張惠民; 何致良
83 過氧化氫改善鐵鹽混凝減低三鹵甲烷之生成 康世芳
83 過濾改善放流水透視度、SS及色度之研究 康世芳
83 19941209~19941210 邊界層中三方柱體群縱向與橫向排列所受風力 之交互作用 Interference Between Three Square Cylinders Immersed in a Turbulent Boundary Layer in Tandem and Side-by-Side Arrangement 盧博堅; 鄭啟明; 賴建志
83 都市垃圾焚化灰渣掩埋過程重金屬之釋出趨勢以及氯鹽對溶出之影響 高思懷
83 pH值在Feuton系統中所扮演角色探討 張方淑; 高思懷; 吳嘉麗
82 都市垃圾與焚化灰渣掩埋高度對滲出水水質之影響 高思懷; 周燮君
82 19931221~19931223 都巿垃圾焚化灰渣掩埋高度對滲出水水質之影 響 高思懷; 周燮君
82 19931221~19931223 Fenton法氧化染整廢水中難分解性有機物動力學 之研究 康世芳; 莊璧全; 蕭佳凱
82 19940506~19940507 COD分析上過氧化氫影響之克服 潘鐘; 高思懷; 張芳淑
82 19931204~19931204 複雜地形診斷式風場驗證 盧博堅; 江旭程; 簡志賢
82 19931204~19931204 風洞中複雜地形流場量測研究 盧博堅; 江旭程; 陳玉明
82 SNCR除NOx系統防止殘餘氨氣外洩研究 陳俊成; 陳利強; 楊清廉
82 19931008~19931009 電腦輔助水資源規劃 施國肱; 鐘正華
82 19930905~19930910 Effect of soil physical and chemical parameters for spatial distribution of cadmium in rice field 張麗秋; Chang, Li-chiu; Chang, W. L.; Hsu, Y. P.; Liu, Y. S.
82 19931201~19931201 SNCR系統氨氣外洩防制研究 陳俊成; 陳利強; 林振廷; 楊清廉
82 活性污泥法處理分散性染料製程廢水之研究 徐錠基; 康世芳; 陳俊隆
82 19931210~19931211 方柱體於剪力流中流場特性研究 盧博堅; 鄭啟明; 郭俊宜
82 19931210~19931211 紊流對二維矩柱分離剪力層發展之影響 盧博堅; 鄭啟明; 楊威
82 19931210~19931211 矩斷面高層建築在大氣邊界層之風力特性研究 鄭啟明; 張榮男; 盧博堅
82 決定污染源之方法 張保興
82 FENTON法改善廢水處理程序之機制探討及應用 高思懷
82 FENTON法處理染整原廢水之研究 高思懷
82 Feton法處理廢水中難分解性有機物氧化動力學研究 康世芳
82 放流水透視度與S.S.色度相關性之研究 康世芳
82 19940224~19940224 長隧道通風技術之先期研究 許中杰; 黃騰宏; 李紋綜
82 19931015~19931016 A new method for simulating unsteady open channel flow 王士紘; Wang, Shih-hong
82 19931015~19931016 汙染物在飽和及未飽和層傳輸研究 王士紘; 朱延崇
81 19921211~19921212 方柱體在紊流中之風力特性研究(I): 二維方柱 在均勻紊流場之氣動力特性 鄭啟明; 盧博堅; 陳俊吉
81 19930506~19930507 加強黏土阻絕層以減少汙染流體的優勢流 張麗秋; 張文亮
81 19930506~19930507 壓縮土壤空氣減緩汙染入滲速率之研究 張文亮; 張麗秋
81 19921211~19921212 方柱體在紊流中之風力特性研究(I):二維方柱 在均勻紊流場之氣動力特性 鄭啟明; 盧博堅; 陳俊吉
81 19921211~19921212 方柱體在紊流中之風力特性研究(II):三維方 柱在紊流邊界層流場之氣動力特性 鄭啟明; 盧博堅; 陳俊吉
81 渦漩燃燒器的近域流場研究 陳俊成
81 19921211~19921212 方柱體在紊流中之風力特性研究[II]: 三維方柱在均勻紊界層流之氣動力特性 鄭啟明; 盧博堅; 陳俊吉
81 19930506~19930506 壓縮土壤空氣減緩污染入滲速率之研究 張麗秋; 張文亮
81 Application of diffusive wave in flood measurement 施清吉; Shih, Ching-chi
81 19930506~19930506 加強黏土阻絕層已減少污染流體的優勢流 張麗秋; 張文亮
81 Fenton法處理染整廢水中難分解性有機物之研究 康世芳
81 染整業放流水顏色與COD污染指標之探討 康世芳
81 19921106~19921108 高層建築在大氣邊界層中所受之風力特性 鄭啟明; 盧博堅; 呂銘洋; 陳芳華
81 準好氧性掩埋穩定垃圾層處理垃圾滲出水中有機污染物之功能 高思懷; 葉存峰
81 以FENTON法處理污整廢水之實廠評估 高思懷; 鄭義雄; 張芳淑; 鐘賜洋; 劉松增
81 厭氧掩埋增強因子對有機物質轉換速率之影響 高思懷; 李登燕
81 都市垃圾與焚化灰渣共同掩埋之模場研究 高思懷; 周錦東
80 都市垃圾與焚化灰渣以厭氧性掩埋其滲出水有機濃度模式之探討 高思懷; 林世皇
80 19910829~19910829 Visualization of three-dimensional flow in a cubic chamber with digital correlation method Chen, Luke; Chen, C. J.
80 19911213~19911214 利用壓電薄膜(PVDF)做為擾動性壓力量測之 可行性研究 盧博堅; 蔡英輝
80 19920710~19920710 標準形溢洪道數值計算 許中杰; 李紋綜
80 陡坡渠流水理研究 許中杰; 洪福生
80 19920710~19920710 下水道系統流況之數值模式 許中杰; 劉景青; 陳仁穎
80 直交匯流二維流場之研究 吳豐帥; 許中杰
80 A case study of leachate treatment on futekeng sanitary landfill site 高思懷; Gau, Sue-huai; Chen, Shyan-heng; Chen, Ching-nan; Chang, Fang-shu
80 19911201~19911201 Full-field velocity measurement and computation of internal three-dimensional flow Chen, Luke; Bravo, Ramiro H.; Chen, C. J.
80 19911213~19911214 利用壓電薄膜(PVDF)做為擾動性壓力量測之可行性研究 盧博堅; 蔡英輝
80 19911213~19911214 二維矩形柱所受之橫風向風力 鄭啟明; 盧博堅; 陳紹來
80 The combination of hydrogen peroxide, iron ions and activated carbon for ecnomical and efficient treatment of refuse leachate 高思懷; Gau, Sue-huai; Chang, Fang-shu; Chang, P. C.; Chang, Y. C.; Sung, Z. C.
80 以活性炭配合FENTON法處理垃圾滲出水中有機物之研究 高思懷; 張育禎; 張芳淑
80 FENTON法對垃圾滲出水之處理程序探討 高思懷; 張寶旗; 張芳淑
80 垃圾層中有機污染物之吸附及溶出特性 高思懷; 宋瑞埼
79 19901214~19901215 紊流強度及長度尺度對二維方柱所受風力之影響 鄭啟明; 盧博堅; 陳若華
79 19901214~19901215 紊流強度及長度尺度對二維方柱所受風力之影 響 鄭啟明; 盧博堅; 陳若華
79 19910624~19910624 Flow visualization and numerical simulation of flow past a cubic chamber with offset inlet and outlet Chen, Luke; Bravo, Ramiro H.; Chen, C. J.
79 19910419~19910419 Full-field quantitative flow visualization of internal three-dimensional flow Chen, Luke; Walter, J. A.; Chen, C. J.
79 Analysis of a desiccant cooling system 王士紘; Wang, Shih-hong; Sung, Shao-hung
79 含分散性及反應性染料染整廢水混凝脫色處理之研究 康世芳; 涂世勇; 莊順興
79 臺灣地染整工業廢水透視度解決方案 康世芳
79 化學操作因子對粉末活性炭過濾抑留機制之影響 康世芳; 佐藤敦久
79 粉本活性炭及黏土膠羽密度之比較 康世芳; 佐藤敦久
79 Numercial simulation for flow over a sharp-crested weir 施清吉
79 Analysis of application range of uniformly progressive wave in a wide open channel 施清吉; Shih, Ching-chi
79 Numerical simulation for flow over a sharp-crested weir 施清吉; Shih, Ching-chi; Lung, H. C.
79 A study on the linearized analytical solution in natural stream 王士紘; Wang, Shih-hong; Wu, Feng-shuai
79 Pressure fluctuations on flat roofs with parapets 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien
79 19901214~19901215 桁架高塔之風力預估 鄭啟明; 盧博堅; 莊慶隆
79 19910708~19910708 Wind load on square cylinder in homogeneous turbulent flows 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; Cheng, C. M.; Chen, R. H.
79 以活性炭配合Fenton法處理垃圾滲出水 高思懷
79 由垃圾掩埋模型探討一滲出水模式之應用 高思懷
79 都市垃圾與焚化灰渣以厭氧性掩埋滲出水之特性 高思懷; 孫常榮
78 19900706~19900707 曼寧係數於陡坡渠道之研究 許中杰; 陳泉旭; 許慶聞
78 19890920~19890920 以FENTON法處理經生物處理後之垃圾滲出水 高思懷; 張芳淑
78 19890920~19890920 垃圾掩埋研究中適當人工垃圾組成之探討 高思懷; 孫長榮
78 方柱體在均勻紊流場中之風力研究 鄭啟明; 盧博堅; 李文宏
78 臺灣地區變電所變壓器噪音特性探討及其噪音預估模式之建立 盧博堅; 廖述良; 劉永佐
78 我國染整廢水處理問題與技術需求 康世芳
78 Advance treatment for MSW leachate through the fenton method combined with PAC 高思懷; Gau, Sue-huai
78 方柱在均勻紊流場中之風力研究 鄭啟明; 盧博堅; 李文宏
78 A study on leachate by means of fenton method 高思懷
78 19900706~19900707 熱流速儀於陡坡渠道量測之應用與研究 許中杰; 陳泉旭; 許慶聞
78 19900706~19900707 深度平均二維性正交側入明渠流數值模式 許中杰; 巫唐宏
78 直交側入明渠面層流數值模擬 許中杰; 巫唐宏
78 19900706~19900707 水質模式線性解析法之研究 王士紘; 吳豐帥; 李建祥; 陳仁穎
78 陡坡渠道含氣率之量測與研究 許中杰; 許慶聞; 陳泉旭
77 A study on the linearized analytical and numberical solution for unsteady open channel flow 王士紘; Wang, Shih-hong
77 19890101~19890101 Comparison of coagulation mechanism between powdered activated Carbon and Kaolin suspensions with cationic polyelectrolytes 康世芳
77 地下水污染調查之研究(二) : 水質部分 王士紘; 許聖哲
77 19890101~19890101 陽離子性混凝劑探討粉末活性炭及粘土的混凝機構之比較 康世芳; 佐藤敦久
77 以高溫回收含汞污泥之研究 許整備; 高思懷; 李婉諦
76 準好氧性衛生掩埋場垃圾滲出水水量模式之研究 高思懷; 周錦東
76 19880527~19880528 參式法一維明渠變量流水理計算 劉景青; 許中杰
76 The computer-aided design of the solid desiccant drum of a hybrid cooling system 王士紘; Wang, Shih-hong; Chung, K. C.; Yang, K. H.
76 The computer-aided design of a vapor-jet hybrid refrigeration system Yang, K. H.; 王士紘; Wang, Shih-hong
76 19880527~19880528 有迴水影響時渠道變量流解析法之研究 王士紘; 吳豐帥
76 19880527~19880528 Fluctuation lift force on groups of circular cylindes in a turbulent boundary layer 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien
76 應用統計推論研究狄沃勃谷電廠熱排放流接收水域之溫度特性 許中杰
76 電腦輔助廢水處理系統提升之規劃 廖述良; 高思懷
76 以活性化泥炭吸附高濃度有機廢水之研究 許整備; 楊光賢; 高思懷
75 19871211~19871216 Coagulation characteristics of powdered activated carbon and it effects in the eutrophic water resource Goto, K.; Kang, Shyh-fang; Akiba, M.
75 新店溪污染物質之調查分析 蔣本基; 高思懷
75 利用活性化煤炭處理福德坑垃圾掩埋場滲漏水初步結果 許整備; 楊光賢; 高思懷
74 19850801~19850801 Numerical computation of Alluvial River bend flow and equilibrium geometry 許中杰; Hsu, Chung-chieh
74 19860101~19860101 Laboratory simulation lf wind loads on a tension 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; Kareem, A. (等)
74 19860501~19860501 A wind tunnel investigation of aerodynamic loads on a typical tension leg platform 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; Kareem, A. (等)
74 天然河道洪流定跡之新數值解法 王士紘
74 19851101~19851101 Pressure and force fluctuations on circular cylinders in boundary later flows Kareem, A.; 鄭啟明; Chang, Chii-ming; Lu, Po-chien
74 含汞垃圾準好氧性衛生掩埋之研究 : 初步結果 許整備; 高思懷; 夏家承
73 19850101~19850101 Adaptive control system for the total artificial heart 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien (等)
73 19850204~19850205 臺北市工廠廢棄物調查 鄭福田; 高思懷
73 洪流及沉滓演算之數學模式 王士紘; Wang, Shih-hong; 江旭程; Chiang, Hsu-cherng
73 19850510~19850511 Optimization of a desiccant aided evaporative cooling system Wang, S.H.; Chiang, H.C.
72 19831201~19831201 Adaptive control of left ventricular bypass assist devices McInnis, B. C.; Guo, Z. W.; Lu, Po-chien
72 19840101~19840101 Control strategies for artificial hearts and assist devices 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; McInnis, B. C.; Lu, P. C.; Wang, J. C.
72 19830901~19830901 Adaptive control strategies for artificial and assist devices 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien (等)
72 19840101~19840101 Study on soda pulp waste water treatment by submerged biofilter Kang, Shyh-fang; Kao, Jao-fung
72 19830901~19830901 A sediment-budget analysis of the upper Mississippi River, Great-II Reach 許中杰
70 19821112~19821113 接觸曝氣法處理蘇打法紙漿廢水之研究 康世芳
68 19790901~19790901 Turbulent properties of aortic valve prosthses 盧博堅; Lu, Po-chien; Hwang, Ned H. C. (等)