師資人員 - 李柏青
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      淡江大學水資源及環境工程學系副教授(2013.08 -迄今)
      淡江大學水資源及環境工程學系助理教授(2003.08 -2013.08)
      美國康乃爾大學博士後研究員 (2003/02 至 2003/07)
      美國地質協會(USGS)助理研究 (2002/01 至 2002/07)
      中央研究院研究助理 (1995/07 至 1996/06)
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學年度 著作 著作人
113 Effectively removing antimony Sb(V) and Sb(III) from aqueous solutions by granular ferric hydroxide compared with manganese zeolite and activated carbon, Desalination and Water Treatment 321, 100964 Kang, Shyh-fang; Lee, Po-ching; Hsu, Chia-hsin
112 Enhancing photocatalytic performance of regular porous silver bromide structures through 3D printing, Additive Manufacturing 78, 103866 Kuo, Chun-yu; Shih, Chung-hao; Lee, Chen-kai; Shen, Bo-heng; Lin, Wei-hsiang; Lee, Po-ching; Lin, C.B.
111 In situ precipitation 3D printing of highly ordered silver cluster–silver chloride photocatalysts, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 126, p.797-811 Lee, Po-ching
111 Fabrication and Characterization of Visible-Light-Driven Plasmonic Photocatalyst Ag/AgCl/TiO2 Porous Structure, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Po-Ching Lee; Zheng-Rong Yang; Chun-Yu Kuo; Chung-Hao Shin; Ching-Bin Lin
110 Application of high specific surface area Ag/AgCl/TiO2 coupled photocatalyst fabricated by fused filament fabrication, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 120, p.4539-4550 Lee, Po‑ching
109 AgCl-based selective laser melting photocatalytic module for degradation of azo dye and E. coli, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 115(4), p.1127-1138 Lee, Po-ching
109 AgCl-based selective laser melting photocatalytic module for degradation of azo dye and E. coli, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2021) 115:1127–1138 Chao-Hwa Liu & Cheng-Yu Huang, Po-Ching Lee & Guan-Chen Chen & Zheng-Rong Yang & Ching-Bin Lin
109 AgCl-based selective laser melting photocatalytic module for degradation of azo dye and E. coli, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2021) 115:1127–1138 Chao-Hwa Liu & Cheng-Yu Huang, Po-Ching Lee & Guan-Chen Chen & Zheng-Rong Yang & Ching-Bin Lin
108 Degradation of Abiotic Orange II Dye and Biotic E. coli by Highly Porous SiC-AgCl/Ag0 Photocatalyst, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 30, p.1760-1768 Lee, Po-ching
100 Intermittent high-pressure sequential bioreactor (IHPSB) with integration of sand filtration system for synthetic wastewater treatment, Environmental Technology 33(8), pp.937-942 Liang, Yang-Min; Li, Chi-Wang; Lee, Po-Ching; Tzeng, Tai-Wei; Chen, Shiao-Shing
100 Dissolution of D2EHPA in liquid–liquid extraction process: Implication on metal removal and organic content of the treated water, Water Research 45(18), pp.5953–5958 Lee, Po-Ching; Li, Chi-Wang; Chen, Jie-Yuan; Li, Ying-Sheng; Chen, Shiao-Shing
98 Compressed Air-Assisted Solvent Extraction (CASX) for Chromate Removal: Regeneration and Recovery, Separation Science and Technology 44(16), pp.3911-3922 Lee, Po-Ching; Li, Chi-Wang; Chen, Shiao-Shing; Chiu, Hao-Chun
97 Concentration and purification of chromate from electroplating wastewater by two-stage electrodialysis processes, Journal of Hazardous Materials 161(2-3), pp.1075-1080 Chen, Shiao-shing; Li, Chi-wang; Hsu, Hong-der; Lee, Po-ching; Chang, Yu-min; Yang, Chia-hao
96 PARTICLE REMOVAL OF HIGH-TURBIDITY RESERVOIR WATER BY ELECTRO-AGGREGATION, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management 17(5), pp.371-375 Lee, Po-ching; Gau, Sue-huai; Song, Chau-cheng
96 The Investigation on the Ability of Particle Removal by Electro-aggregation Method from High-turbidity Reservoir Water, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management 17(5), pp.371-375 Lee, Po-Ching; Gau, Sue-Huai; Song, Chau-Cheng
95 Effect of temperature, hydraulic residence time and elevated PCO2 on acid neutralization within a pulsed limestone bed reactor, Water Research 41(6), pp.1207-1214 Watten, Barnaby J.; Lee, Po-ching; Sibrella, Philip L.; Timmons, Michael B.
90 Modeling pesticide volatilization from turf, Journal of environmental quality 31(3), p.724-729 李柏青; Lee, Po-ching
學年度 會議期間 著作 著作人
106 20171201~20171202 高比表面積氯化銀的製造暨染料降解與殺菌, 中國機械工程學會第 34 屆全國學術研討會 翁建華; 李柏青; 黃子桓; 林清彬
106 20171112~20171112 脫硫渣與電弧爐氧化渣去除磷之比較, 海峽兩岸沿海區資源、環境與永續發展學術研討會 李柏青; 柯明賢; 楊佳穎; 康世芳
104 20151113~20151114 未熟成含油鹽廚餘堆肥對小白菜作物生長之影響, 第27屆環工年會暨各專門學術研討會 陳詠裕; 吳欣慧; 李柏青
102 20131115~20131115 粒狀氫氧化鐵去除水中鉬之研究, 第30屆自來水研究發表會 康世芳; 李柏青; 連思琦; 黃耀輝
95 The Investigation on the Ability of Particle removal by Electro-aggregation Method from High-turbidity Reservoir Water, 李柏青; Lee, Po-ching; Gau, Sue-huai; Song, Chau-cheng
88 19990801~19990801 Modeling pesticide volatilization from turf, Nektarios (ed.).1st International Conference on Turfgrass Management and Science for Sport Fields 李柏青
學年度 出版日期 專書名稱 著作人
100 2012-07-01 00:00:00 全球科技革命 朱惠芳; 曹慶堂; 李柏青; 江旭程; 宛同; 康世芳; 張麗秋; 黃瑞茂; 陳曜鴻; 王三郎; 盧博堅; 施增廉; 杜昭宏; 徐秀福; 林正嵐; 張志勇; 翁慶昌; 江正雄
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 計畫時間
94 加壓懸浮石灰槽之鹼度酸度鐵鋁濃度及表面結晶形成研究 李柏青 2005-08-01 00:00:00
93 提升產業技術及人才培育研究計畫-利用線上混凝法結合低壓薄膜過濾並去鹽化處理程序, 李柏青 2005-05-01 00:00:00
92 九十三年度【加壓懸浮石灰槽之酸液處理系統前期建構及系統測試】 李柏青 2004-01-01 00:00:00
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 計畫時間 補助/委託機構
93 提升產業技術及人才培育研究計畫─利用線上混凝法結合低壓薄膜過濾--- 李柏青 2005-05-01 00:00:00 鑫緯環境工程顧問有限公司