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學年度 著作 著作人
113 Assessment of temperature dynamics and microbial community responses in aerobic membrane bioreactors from mesophilic to hyper-thermophilic conditions, Environmental Science and Pollution Research(57),p. 65849-65865 Huy Quang Le,:Shiao-Shing Chen: Chinh Cong Duong : Nguyen Cong Nguyen,:Thi Xuan Quynh Nguyen,:I-Chieh Chien : Shiang-Sheng Hsiao
112 Innovative hyper-thermophilic aerobic submerged membrane distillation bioreactor for wastewater reclamation, Chemosphere, 362,p. 142743 Huy Quang Le: Chinh Cong Duong,:Hau-Ming Chang: Nguyen Cong Nguyen,:I-Chieh Chien, Huu Hao Ngo: Shiao-Shing Chen
110 Isolation of Bacteria Capable of Degrading Various AHLs for Biofouling Control in Membrane Bioreactors, Water 14(11), 1712 I-Chieh Chien; Chiao-Yun Chu; Chien-Yu Huang
110 Water reclamation and microbial community investigation: Treatment of tetramethylammonium hydroxide wastewater through an anaerobic osmotic membrane bioreactor hybrid system, Journal of Hazardous Materials 427, 128200 Hau-Ming Chang; Shiao-Shing Chen; Shiang-Sheng Hsiao; Wen-Shing Chang; I-Chieh Chien; Chinh Cong Duong; Thi Xuan Quynh Nguyen
110 Water reclamation and microbial community investigation: Treatment of tetramethylammonium hydroxide wastewater through an anaerobic osmotic membrane bioreactor hybrid system, Journal of Hazardous Materials 427 (2022) 128200 Hau-Ming Chang, Shiao-Shing Chen, Shiang-Sheng Hsiao, Wen-Shing Chang, I-Chieh Chien, Chinh Cong Duong, Thi Xuan Quynh Nguyen
108 A novel thermophilic anaerobic granular sludge membrane distillation bioreactor for wastewater reclamation, Environmental Science and Pollution Research volume 27, p.41751–41763 Chinh Cong Duong; Shiao-Shing Chen; Huy Quang Le; Hau-Ming Chang; Nguyen Cong Nguyen; Dan Thanh Ngoc Cao; I-Chieh Chien
108 A promising bioelectrochemical reactor integrating membrane distillation and microbial fuel cell for dual advantages of power generation and water recovery, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 6, p.2776-2788 Thanh Ngoc-Dan Cao; Shiao-Shing Chen; Hau-Ming Chang; Thanh Xuan Bui; I-Chieh Chien
107 Innovative upflow anaerobic sludge osmotic membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment, Bioresource Technology 287, 121466 Hau-Ming Chang; Yung-Chun Sun; I-Chieh Chien; Wen-Shing Chang; Saikat Sinha Ray; Dan Thanh Ngoc Cao; Chinh Cong Duong; Shiao-Shing Chen
107 Innovative upflow anaerobic sludge osmotic membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment, Bioresource Technology 287, 121466 Hau-Ming Chang, Yung-Chun Sun, I-Chieh Chien, Wen-Shing Chang, Saikat Sinha Ray, Dan Thanh Ngoc Cao, Chinh Cong Duong, Shiao-Shing Chen
107 Comparing ozonation and biofiltration treatment of source water with high cyanobacteria-derived organic matter: the case of a water treatment plant followed by a small-scale water distribution system, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(12), 2633 I-Chieh Chien; Sheng-Pei Wu; Hsien-Chun Ke; Shang-Lien Lo; Hsin-hsin Tung
學年度 會議期間 著作 著作人
112 20231022~20231026 Evaluating the Performance of Nitritation using sludge size control combined with FA/FNA treatment, IWA Aspire Conference & Exhibition 2023 I.-C. Chien;H.-W. Ni
110 20211123~20211124 The effect of metal electrodes on controlling biofouling using electrochemical quorum quenching method, Environmental Technology and Management 2021 Conference Xiu-Ping Zhong; Yi-Chen Ma; I-Chieh Chien
106 20180703~20180706 Isolation of quorum quenching bacteria for biofouling control, 11th Conference of the Aseanian Membrane Society Chiao-Yun Chu; I-Chieh Chien
106 20171116~20171116 清洗水塔對於室內配管水質之影響, 中華民國自來水協會第34屆自來水研究發表會 余一心; 簡義杰; 吳瑞梹; 童心欣
106 20171108~20171110 以生物法偵測群體感應(quorum sensing)訊息分子 acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs)之研究, 中華民國環境工程學會第二十九屆年會暨廢水處理技術研討會 朱巧芸; 蕭克威; 簡義杰
106 20170911~20170914 Removal of Escherichia coli using capacitive deionization (CDI), 7 th IWA-ASPIRE Conference 2017 & Water Malaysia Exhibition 2017 I-Chieh Chien; Wen-Zeng Wang
106 20170821~20170825 Microbial pollution of the Mongolian aquatic ecosystem, 13th International Conference on Salt Lake Research D. Tumenjargal; D.Narantuya; Hsin-Hsin Tung; I-Chieh Chieh; Hao-Yu Lo; N.Altanchimeg; G.Khishigsuren
105 20170522~20170526 Water Quality and Ecological Characteristics in Ugii Nuur Lake, Mongolia, under the Change of Climate and Development in the Lake Basin, 2017 IWA Symposium of Lake and Reservoir Management Shian-chee Wu; Tarzadin Ulaanbaatar; D. Tumenjargal; P. Munkhbaatar; Hsin-Hsin Tung; Chuan-Ling Chou; Meng-Cheih Han; Hao-Yu Lo; I-Chieh Chien; Hao-Yang Lu
學年度 出版日期 專書名稱 著作人
101 2013-01-01 00:00:00 The study of viruses of Methanosaeta, a key acetoclastic methanogen for digestion process stability 簡義杰
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 計畫時間
110 低耗能電化學群體感應抑制法控制濾膜生物阻塞之研究(3/3) 簡義杰 2021-08-01 00:00:00
109 低耗能電化學群體感應抑制法控制濾膜生物阻塞之研究(2/3) 簡義杰 2020-08-01 00:00:00
108 低耗能電化學群體感應抑制法控制濾膜生物阻塞之研究(1/3) 簡義杰 2019-08-01 00:00:00
106 利用固定化群體感應抑制菌於薄膜生物反應器阻塞控制之研究 簡義杰 2017-08-01 00:00:00
105 利用群體感應抑制法控制薄膜生物阻塞之研究 簡義杰 2016-12-01 00:00:00
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 計畫時間 補助/委託機構
111 地下水中二氯乙烯好氧生物分解技術開發-氯烯類污染物生物降解路徑探究 簡義杰 2022-09-01 00:00:00 行政院環境保護署