113 |
Assessment of temperature dynamics and microbial community responses in aerobic membrane bioreactors from mesophilic to hyper-thermophilic conditions, Environmental Science and Pollution Research(57),p. 65849-65865 |
Huy Quang Le,:Shiao-Shing Chen: Chinh Cong Duong : Nguyen Cong Nguyen,:Thi Xuan Quynh Nguyen,:I-Chieh Chien : Shiang-Sheng Hsiao |
112 |
Innovative hyper-thermophilic aerobic submerged membrane distillation bioreactor for wastewater reclamation, Chemosphere, 362,p. 142743 |
Huy Quang Le: Chinh Cong Duong,:Hau-Ming Chang: Nguyen Cong Nguyen,:I-Chieh Chien, Huu Hao Ngo: Shiao-Shing Chen |
110 |
Isolation of Bacteria Capable of Degrading Various AHLs for Biofouling Control in Membrane Bioreactors, Water 14(11), 1712 |
I-Chieh Chien; Chiao-Yun Chu; Chien-Yu Huang |
110 |
Water reclamation and microbial community investigation: Treatment of tetramethylammonium hydroxide wastewater through an anaerobic osmotic membrane bioreactor hybrid system, Journal of Hazardous Materials 427, 128200 |
Hau-Ming Chang; Shiao-Shing Chen; Shiang-Sheng Hsiao; Wen-Shing Chang; I-Chieh Chien; Chinh Cong Duong; Thi Xuan Quynh Nguyen |
110 |
Water reclamation and microbial community investigation: Treatment of tetramethylammonium hydroxide wastewater through an anaerobic osmotic membrane bioreactor hybrid system, Journal of Hazardous Materials 427 (2022) 128200 |
Hau-Ming Chang, Shiao-Shing Chen, Shiang-Sheng Hsiao, Wen-Shing Chang, I-Chieh Chien, Chinh Cong Duong, Thi Xuan Quynh Nguyen |
108 |
A novel thermophilic anaerobic granular sludge membrane distillation bioreactor for wastewater reclamation, Environmental Science and Pollution Research volume 27, p.41751–41763 |
Chinh Cong Duong; Shiao-Shing Chen; Huy Quang Le; Hau-Ming Chang; Nguyen Cong Nguyen; Dan Thanh Ngoc Cao; I-Chieh Chien |
108 |
A promising bioelectrochemical reactor integrating membrane distillation and microbial fuel cell for dual advantages of power generation and water recovery, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 6, p.2776-2788 |
Thanh Ngoc-Dan Cao; Shiao-Shing Chen; Hau-Ming Chang; Thanh Xuan Bui; I-Chieh Chien |
107 |
Innovative upflow anaerobic sludge osmotic membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment, Bioresource Technology 287, 121466 |
Hau-Ming Chang; Yung-Chun Sun; I-Chieh Chien; Wen-Shing Chang; Saikat Sinha Ray; Dan Thanh Ngoc Cao; Chinh Cong Duong; Shiao-Shing Chen |
107 |
Innovative upflow anaerobic sludge osmotic membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment, Bioresource Technology 287, 121466 |
Hau-Ming Chang, Yung-Chun Sun, I-Chieh Chien, Wen-Shing Chang, Saikat Sinha Ray, Dan Thanh Ngoc Cao, Chinh Cong Duong, Shiao-Shing Chen |
107 |
Comparing ozonation and biofiltration treatment of source water with high cyanobacteria-derived organic matter: the case of a water treatment plant followed by a small-scale water distribution system, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(12), 2633 |
I-Chieh Chien; Sheng-Pei Wu; Hsien-Chun Ke; Shang-Lien Lo; Hsin-hsin Tung |