師資人員 - 陳怡如
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      Sessional Tutor at Griffith University, 
      Guest Lecturer at Victoria University, 
      Senior Drainage Engineer at Shepparton City Council 
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學年度 著作 著作人
108 Location model analysis of flood relief facilities: a case study of the Fazih River floodplain, Taiwan, Natural Hazards 103, p.317–327 Chao-Hsien Yeh; Yi-Ru Chen
104 Flood damage assessment of an urban area in Taiwan, Natural Hazards 83, p.1045–1055 Yi-Ru Chen; Chao-Hsien Yeh; Bofu Yu
104 Impact assessment of climatic and land-use changes on flood runoff in southeast Queensland, Hydrological Sciences Journal 60(10), P. 1759-1769 Yi-Ru Chen; Bofu Yu
102 Secular Variation in Rainfall Intensity and Temperature in Eastern Australia, Journal of Hydrometeorology 14(4), P.1356–1363 Yi-Ru Chen; Bofu Yu; Graham Jenkins
101 Secular variation in rainfall and intensity–frequency–duration curves in Eastern Australia, Journal of Water and Climate Change 4(3), p.244–251 Yi-Ru Chen; Bofu Yu; Graham Jenkins
99 Integrated application of the analytic hierarchy process and the geographic information system for flood risk assessment and flood plain management in Taiwan, Natural Hazards 59, p.1261–1276 Yi-Ru Chen; Chao-Hsien Yeh; Bofu Yu
97 應用AHP與GIS評估都市水災風險度─以台中市筏子溪為例, 台灣水利 陳怡如; 葉昭憲; 許盈松; 李秉乾; 駱佩婷
學年度 會議期間 著作 著作人
105 20161206~20161209 Full-depth flexible pavement performance impacted by rainfall: Finite element analysis, Mechanics of structures and materials : advancements and challenges Rudi van Staden; Sam Fragomeni; Yi-Ru Chen
101 20130722~20130726 Impacts of climate and land-use changes on floods in an urban catchment in southeast Queensland, Australia., Climate and land surface changes in hydrology Yi-Ru Chen; Bofu Yu
101 20121119~20121122 Changes to flooding potentials in South East Queensland based on GCM outputs and observations, 34th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium Yi-Ru Chen; Bofu Yu; Nagayanagi Ryoji
學年度 出版日期 專書名稱 著作人
101 2013-07-01 00:00:00 Impact Assessment of Climate And Land-Use Changes On Rainfall And Runoff Yi-Ru Chen
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 計畫時間
111 氣候變遷對台北市排水系統的潛在影響 陳怡如 2022-08-01 00:00:00
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 計畫時間 補助/委託機構