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學年度 著作 著作人
112 Potential for spatial coexistence of a transboundary migratory species and wind energy development, Scientific Reports 14, 17050 Huang, Ta-Ken, Xiao Feng, Jonathan J. Derbridge, Kaitlin Libby, Jay E. Diffendorfer, Wayne E. Thogmartin, Gary McCracken, Rodrigo Medellin, and Laura López-Hoffman.
112 What Is the Willingness to Pay for a Basket of Agricultural Goods? Multi-Features of Organic, Animal Welfare-Based and Natural Products with No Additives, Agriculture 2023, 13(9), 1743 Yan-Shiang Chiou; Pei-Ing Wu; Je-Liang Liou; Ta-Ken Huang; Chu-Wei Chen
112 What Is the Willingness to Pay for a Basket of Agricultural Goods? Multi-Features of Organic, Animal Welfare-Based and Natural Products with No Additives, Agriculture 13(9), 1743 Yan-Shiang Chiou; Pei-Ing Wu; Je-Liang Liou; Ta-Ken Huang; Chu-Wei Chen
111 Evaluation of the Contribution of Farmland Attributes to the Total Benefit from Its Contamination Remediation: Evidence from Taiwan, Land 2023 12(5), p.967 Pei-Ing Wu, Ching-En Su, Je-Liang Liou and Ta-Ken Huang
111 Evaluation of Benefits and Health Co-Benefits of GHG Reduction for Taiwan’s Industrial Sector under a Carbon Charge in 2023–2030, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(22), 15385 Pei-Ing Wu; Je-Liang Liou; Ta-Ken Huang
110 Multi-species, multi-country analysis reveals North Americans are willing to pay for transborder migratory species conservation, People and Nature, p.1-14 Wayne E. Thogmartin; Michelle A. Haefele; Jay E. Diffendorfer; Darius J. Semmens; Jonathan J. Derbridge; Aaron Lien; Ta-Ken Huang; Laura López-Hoffman
107 Multi-country willingness to pay for transborder migratory species conservation: A case study of northern pintails, Ecological Economics 157, p.321-331 Haefele, M; J Loomis; A Lien; J Dubovsky; R Merideth; K Bagstad; TK Huang; B Mattsson; D Semmens; W Thogmartin; R Wiederholt; J Diffendorfer; L López- Hoffman
107 The role of citizen science in conservation under the framework of telecoupling, Sustainability 11(4), 1108 Yang, D; HY Wan; TK Huang; J Liu
107 Health Benefit Assessment of National Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM2. 5 in Taiwan., Emrpical Econimocs Review 10(4) Liou, J. L.; Wu, P. I.; TK Huang
106 Willingness to pay for conservation of transborder migratory Species: A case study of the Mexican free-tailed bat in the United States and Mexico, Environmental Management 62, p.229–240 Haefele, M; J Loomis; R Merideth; A Lien; D Semmens; J Dubovsky; R Wiederholt; W Thogmartin; TK Huang; G McCracken; R Medellin; J Diffendorfer; L López-Hoffman
103 新海人工溼地水生植物碳吸存量之評估, 農業工程學報 60(3), p.55-67 黃大肯; 張文亮
學年度 會議期間 著作 著作人
113 20241129~20241130 通路對綠色產品選擇因素分析-以生物多樣性友善農產品為例, 台灣環境與資源經濟學會年會 何業崨; 劉哲良; 林大利; 黃大肯
113 20241022~20241022 解析氣候變遷下河蟹復育策略:以日本絨螯蟹為例, 農業工程研討會 陳敬閎; 蔡維倫; 林進軒; 巫冠威; 郭泓毅; 蔡宗諺; 陳睿傑; 陸哲昕; 陳孝華; 黃浚瑋; 黃大肯
113 20240826~20240827 Do We Truly Benefit from the Policy of Private Transports Electrification? Evidence from the Change of GHG Emissions and Air Pollutions in Taiwan, THE 13TH CONGRESS OF ASIAN ASSOCIATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS Liou, Je-liang; Chen, H.-H.; HUANG, T.-K.; WU, P.-I.
112 20230903~20230904 Telecoupled payments for eco-friendly products: how information affect consumers’ willingness to pay, 2023 International Summit on Agricultural and Environmental Economics Huang, Ta-ken; Kao, Wei-hsiang; Liou, Je-liang; Lin, Da-li
112 20230829~20230830 Willingness to Pay for Eco-friendly Products: A Case Study of the Participatory Guarantee System in Taiwan, The 12th Congress of Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (AAERE) Ta-Ken Huang; Je-Liang Liou; Pei-Ing Wu
111 20220808~20220809 Benefits and Health Co-benefits Evaluation of GHGs Reduction from Industrial Sector of Taiwan under Carbon Charge in 2023-2030, The 12th Asian Conference in Regional Science Pei-Ing Wu; Je-Liang Liou; Ta-Ken Huang
108 20191209~20191213 Can land management alter ecoclimate teleconnections across North America in the face of forest die-off?, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. Feng, X; A Swann; D Breshears; M Lague; J Field; D Law; A Lien; TK Huang; J Derbridge; E Baldwin; J Soto
108 20190929~20191004 Using the Spatial Subsidies Framework for Conservation of Transboundary Ecosystem Services from Migratory Species, American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference Huang, TK; L López-Hoffman; A Lien; W Thogmartin; J Diffendorfer; D Semmens; B Mattsson; M Haefele; J Loomis; K Bagstad; J Derbridge
107 20180903~20180905 Migratory wildlife link people and ecosystems over distances: A case study of black-faced Spoonbill in East Asia, Global Land Programme 2018 Asia Conference Huang, TK; X Feng; L López-Hoffman
106 20180612~20180615 Crops in a changing world: Hidden forest-agriculture teleconnections, European Congress of Conservation Biology López-Hoffman, L.; X Feng; TK Huang; A Lien; A Swann; D Breshears; J Soto; E Baldwin; M Nunez-Regueiro; T Dang; D Park; R Merideth; D Ferguson; B Enquist; K Ernst
106 20180408~20180412 Migratory wildlife link people and ecosystems over distances, US Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology Annual Meeting Huang, TK; D Semmens; L López-Hoffman; J Diffendorfer; W Thogmartin
106 20170806~20170811 An approach to understand how ecoclimate teleconnections create telecoupling in ecosystem services across space, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. López-Hoffman, L; A Swann; E Garcia; D Breshears; TK Huang; K Libby; R Merideth; D Semmens; J Diffendorer.
99 20101022~20101022 人工溼地水生植物碳儲存量之評估., 2010農業工程研討會 黃大肯; 張文亮
學年度 出版日期 專書名稱 著作人
109 2021-06-30 00:00:00 Linking Sustainable Agriculture, Equity And Ecosystem Services For Migratory Species Ta-Ken Huang
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 計畫時間
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 計畫時間 補助/委託機構
112 113年度「生物多樣性友善農業參與式保證系統建置計畫」通路銷售意願研究 黃大肯 2024-03-25 00:00:00 農業部生物多樣性研究所
111 112年度「生物多樣性友善農業參與式保證系統建置計畫」消費者願付價格研究 黃大肯 2023-05-26 00:00:00 農業部生物多樣性研究所