113 |
Effectively removing antimony Sb(V) and Sb(III) from aqueous solutions by granular ferric hydroxide compared with manganese zeolite and activated carbon, Desalination and Water Treatment 321, 100964 |
Kang, Shyh-fang; Lee, Po-ching; Hsu, Chia-hsin |
111 |
Harvesting of microcells from cyanobacteria-laden water by energy-efficient electro-flocculation -flotation (EFF) with Aluminum hydrates, Water Process Engineering 52, 103585 |
Jr-Lin Lin; Fahrudin Sidik; Shyh-Fang Kang |
111 |
Assessing wastewater pollution from outdoor night markets and its impacts on river quality, Water Science & Technology 86(9), 2288 |
Shyh-Fang Kang; Jen-Yang Lin; Kean-Yip Chong; Yu-Tse Lin; Chi-Feng Chen |
111 |
Minimization of halogenated disinfection by-product precursors by Al-based electrocoagulation–flotation (ECF) toward cyanobacteria-laden water, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua 71(9), p.1054-1067 |
Jr-Lin Lin; Fahrudin Sidik; Shyh-Fang Kang |
110 |
Eutrophication factor analysis using Carlson trophic state index (CTSI) towards non-algal impact reservoirs in Taiwan, Sustainable Environment Research 32, p.25 |
Jr-Lin Lin; Arthur Karangan; Ying Min Huang; Shyh-Fang Kang |
107 |
Analysis of Carbon Emission Hot Spot and Pumping Energy Efficency in Water Supply System, Water Supply 19(1), p.200-206 |
Jr-Lin Lin; Shyh-Fang Kang |
106 |
Effects of recycled glass and different substrate materials on the leachate quality and plant growth of green roofs, Ecological Engineering 112, p.10-20 |
Chi-Feng Chen; Shyh-Fang Kang; Ji-Hao Lin |
105 |
Effects of substrates and plant species on water quality of extensive green roofs, Applied ecology and environmental reseaech 14(2), pp.77-91 |
CHEN, C-F.; KANG, S-F. |
104 |
Effect of organic molecular weight on mineralization and energy consumption of humic acid by H2O2/UV oxidation, Journal Environmental Technology 37(17), pp.2199-2205 |
Shin-Yuan Yen; Shyh-Fang Kang |
104 |
Figure-of-merit analysis of treating wastewater from colour filter fabrication using H2O2/UV process for reuse, Desalination and Water Treatment |
Shin-Yuan Yen; Shyh-Fang Kang |
104 |
Figure-of-merit analysis of treating wastewater from color filter fabrication using H2O2/UV process for reuse, Desalination and Water Treatment 57(35), p.16415-16423 |
Shin-Yuan Yen; Shyh-Fang Kang |
103 |
Effective Reuse of Electroplating Rinse Wastewater by Combining PAC with H2O2/UV Process, Water Environment Research 87(4), pp.312-320 |
Yen, Hsing Yuan; Kang, Shyh-Fang; Lin, Chen Pei |
103 |
Application of the SUSTAIN Model to a Watershed-Scale Case for Water Quality Management, Water 6(12), pp.3575-3589 |
Chen, Chi-Feng; Sheng, Ming-Yang; Chang, Chia-Ling; Kang, Shyh-Fang; Lin, Jen-Yang |
102 |
集水區土地利用變遷對水質影響之關聯性分析-以翡翠水庫為例, 中國土木水利工程學刊=Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil & Hydraulic Engineering 25(3),頁223-229 |
陳起鳳; 康世芳; 林鎮洋; 黃郁強 |
98 |
Decolorization and Mineralization of Textile Effluent by H2O2/Ultraviolet Processes, Environmental Engineering Science 27(4), pp.357-363 |
Kang, Shyh-Fang; Yen, Hsing-Yuan; Liao, Chih-Hsaing; Yao, Yi-Chun |
98 |
Predicting the Long-Term Performance of a Structural Best Management Practice with the BMP ToolBox Model, Environmental Engineering Science 27(1), pp.55-64 |
Chen, Chi-feng; Lin, Jen-yang; Kang, Shyh-fang; Lee, Yan-jen; Yang, Chung-hsun |
98 |
飲用水中新興污染物之健康風險評估, 自來水協會季刊 28(3),頁25-34 |
康世芳張怡怡; 莊朝欽; 蔣本基; 李易書 |
93 |
Color, Dye and DOC Removal and Acid Generation during Fenton Oxidation of Dyes, Environmental Technology 26(5), pp.537-544 |
康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Yu, F. Y.; 李奇旺; Li, Chi-wan |
92 |
Zero-valent iron reduction of nitrate in the presence of ultraviolet light, organic matter and�hydrogen peroxide, Water Research 37(17), pp.4109-4118 |
康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Hsu, Yu-wei; Liao, Chih-hsiang |
92 |
我國自來水市場解除管制可行性之研究, 公平交易季刊=Fair Trade Quarterly 11(4),頁31-80 |
虞國興; 康世芳; 胡名雯 |
90 |
Separation of textile effluents by polyamide membrane for reuse, Polymer Testing 21(5), pp.539-543 |
Yen, Hsing-yuan; 康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Yang, Mu-hoe |
90 |
Pre-oxidation and coagulation of textile wastewater by the Fenton process, Chemosphere 46(6), pp.923-928 |
Kang, Shyh-fang; Liao, Chih-hsiang; Chen, Mon-chun |
90 |
Control Dissolved Natural Organic Matter in Source Water with Alum Coagulation, Environmental Technology 23(12), pp.1415-1424 |
康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Wang, G. S.; Yang, H. J.; Pai, S. Y.; Chen, H. W. |
90 |
Catalyzed UV oxidation of organic pollutants in biologically treated wastewater effluents, Science of The Total Environment 277(1-3), pp.87-94 |
Wang, Gen-shuh; Chen, Huey-wen; Kang, Shyh-fang |
90 |
Hydroxyl radical scavenging role of chloride and bicarbonate ions in the H2O2/UV process, Chemosphere 44(5), pp.1193-1200 |
Chih-Hsiang Liao; Shyh-Fang Kang; Fu-An Wu |
89 |
Decolorization of textile wastewater by photo-fenton oxidation technology, Chemosphere 41(8), pp.1287-1294 |
Kang. Shyh-Fang; Liao, Chih-Hsiang; Po, Shei-Tue |
88 |
Application of artificial neural network to control the coagulant dosing in water treatment plant, Water science and technology 42(3-4), pp.403-408 |
Yu, Ruey-fang; Kang, Shyh-fang; Liaw, Shu-liang; Chen, Mei-chih |
88 |
Correlation among indicators in regulation colored industrial wastewaters, Chemosphere 39(12), pp.1983-1996 |
Shyh-Fang Kang; Shiann-Pyng Kuo |
88 |
Filtration performance of a plastic-sand dual-media filter, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 34(7), pp.1533-1552 |
康世芳; Kang, Shyh-Fang; Shieh, Chen-cheng; Chiang, Tue-han |
87 |
Simultaneous removal of cod and color from dye manufacturing process wastewater using Photo-Fenton oxidation process, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 34(4), pp.989-1012 |
Liao, Chih-hsiang; 康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Hung, Hung-pin |
87 |
Peroxidation treatment of dye manufacturing wastewater in the presence of ultraviolet light and ferrous ions, Journal of Hazardous Materials 65(3), pp.317-333 |
康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Liao, Chih-hsiang; Hung, Hung-pin |
87 |
Decolorization and degradation of 2,4-dinitrophenol by fenton's reagent, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 34(4), pp.935-950 |
康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Wang, Teh-hsiu; Lin, Yen-han |
87 |
Comparison among Fenton-related processes to remove 2,4-dinitrophenol, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 34(6), pp.1267-1281 |
Wang, Teh-hsiu; 康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Lin, Yen-han |
87 |
Decolorization and degradation of 2,4-Dinitrophernol by Fenton's reagent, Journal of environmental science and health, part A : toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering 34(4), pp. 935-950 |
康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Wang, Teh-hsiu; Lin, Yen-han |
85 |
Coagulation of textile secondary effluents with Fenton's reagent, Water science and technology 36(12), pp.215-222 |
康世芳; Kang, Shyh-Fang; Chang, Huey-Min |
85 |
過氧化氫改善亞鐵混凝減低三鹵甲烷生成潛能, 中國環境工程學刊6(4),頁331-339 |
康世芳; 顏幸苑; 許聖哲 |
85 |
過濾濾料之選擇及新型濾料之應用, 自來水會刊15(3)=59,頁26-31 |
康世芳 |
83 |
Reduction of trihalomethane formation using ferrous/hydrogen peroxide, Water supply 13(3-4), pp.53-58 |
康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang; Yen, Hsing-yuan |
80 |
粉末活性碳的表面電荷的變化的凝集特性, 水道協會雜誌 61(4),頁2-12 |
後藤光龜; 康世芳; 佐藤敦久 |
80 |
粉末活性碳の表面荷電の變化と凝集特性, 水道協會雜誌61(4),頁2-12 |
後藤光龜; 康世芳; 佐藤敦久 |
100 |
Characteristics of Reductive Removal of Nitrate by Suspended Zero-valent Iron Powder, J. Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering 13(4), pp.251-261 |
康世芳; Kang, Shyh-fang |